Patient T.K. from PA

Mary wanted me to share this post-procedure portrait of the new her in felt tip markers by her 4 year old charge Gary. As you know of early child psychology, children first draw the most obvious and important features. Only as they grow older does their portraiture reflect more subtle human factors. Here Gary captured Mary as a stick figure with prominent head, eyes and mouth. Made even more prominent by the extra color and marker strokes are her newly enhanced breasts. They clearly made an immediate impact upon his psyche.

Others notice the new Mary too … physically and emotionally …for she surely glows from all of your artistry. On one recent trip to New York City we were grid locked on the George Washington Bridge. Mary in scoop neck top and short skirt was curled up in the passenger seat. We would creep forward a few car lengths, then grind to a halt again. A truck in the lane adjacent to Mary kept exact pace with us even though his lane was completely free. He stopped when we stopped making no effort to complete the bridge crossing. Via driver-side push button I lowered her window, and the truck driver happily engaged her in conversation, calling her a “lovely lady.” Once over the bridge he played tag with us in traffic all the way to Long Island.

Daily Mary is complimented numerous times. I say it is not only because of actual physical enhancements, but also due to the new vivacious mood she projects, and even the fact that clothes fit better. Mary is please beyond words and I told her that I believe the procedures by both of you were the best quality-of-life enhancing investments we ever made. Thank you for your skill and care.


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