Understanding the Tummy Tuck procedure

The best way to prepare for any change is to know what you want, and the best way to prepare for a procedure is to know what that procedure is.

Tummy Tuck Before and AfterAbdominoplasty, popularly known as tummy tuck is a cosmetic procedure to make the abdomen look more firm, tightening the muscles by removing the fat and wrinkled skin that comes with age. Tummy tuck is used after multiple pregnancies, when exercise doesn’t fit into a busy life style, or when diets fail and both women and men end up with a sagging tummy. Depending on the wanted results the incision for the tummy tuck surgery can vary. It can be just a few inches, known as partial abdominoplasty, or from hip to hip, known as complete abdominoplasty. During the procedures the excess fat will be removed, while abdominal muscles will be tightened.

In order to prepare for tummy tuck you should take few changes to your lifestyle. Firstly, if you smoke, you should quick for a certain period, preferably two weeks before and after the procedure. You should also make changes to your diet. Do not eat excessively and talk with a doctor about the proper nutrition. Your weight needs to be stable for 6 months. Consult your doctor if you take any medications. You can also exercise regularly so you can build up muscle mass so you won’t gain weight during the recovery.

But the best practice is to consult with an expert, to discuss your decision, the procedure, the treatment and the risks that comes with every surgery, so you can, at the end, do the right thing for a more beautiful you.

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