All About Bellafill!
If facial wrinkles and folds are putting a crinkle in your smile, it might be time to consider getting a Bellafill injectable treatment. In the course of aging, natural collagen and elastin fibers that support the skin break down, creating wrinkles. Bellafill (formerly called Artefill) is a non-absorbable wrinkle dermal filler used primarily to correct facial contours and provide a more youthful appearance. It was approved by the FDA in 2006 to help treat nasolabial folds, and in 2014 was approved to help treat certain types of moderate to severe acne scars.
According to research, Bellafill has been chosen by patients as one of the best products to achieve long-lasting smile correction, due to the minimal number of injections required to maintain the look they desire. Over 91% of patients have said they were very likely or extremely likely to recommend it to a friend or family member. Bellafill has a dual-acting formula that consists of a combination of 20% Bellafill Precision-Filtered Microspheres and 80% Bellafill Purified Bovine Collagen. The action of the mircospheres is to replace aging fibers to provide support and volume to the skin
Benefits of Bellafill
Besides smoothing moderate to severe facial folds and wrinkles from the nose to the corners of the mouth, Bellafill also has these additional benefits:
- Corrects acne scars on the cheeks (patients over 21) by adding volume to “level” the scarred skin with the area that surrounds it.
- Corrects “bags” under the eyes.
- Corrects small to moderate nose bumps and deviations.
- Contours the chin and cheeks.
- Treats other deep facial lines and wrinkles, and wrinkled or sagging earlobes.
- It’s economical due to decreased injections needed to maintain desired looks.
- Results can last for years.
Hyaluronic acid fillers can often dissolve over the course of a few months. But Bellafill helps restore skin rather than just fill imperfections, providing natural-looking, enduring results that can span years.
Preparing for your Bellafill treatment
Men and women of any age are candidates for Bellafill. Ideal candidates for this smile correction treatment have already tried temporary injections, are injection and credit card-fatigued, and want natural-looking, immediate results that last. However, the treatment cannot be performed on people with chronic skin infections or allergies to bovine collagen.
Thirty days before your Bellafill treatment, Dr. Tehrani will administer a simple allergy skin test for any sensitivities to the bovine collagen.
Treatments usually require only 15 to 20 minutes, with two treatment sessions typically performed 3 to 6 weeks apart. Before you receive a Bellafill treatment, you may get a trial test of temporary filler to confirm your desired result. A few days before your treatment, you may be asked to refrain from taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) to avoid certain risks (see below).
Possible risks and side effects from Bellafill
Just as with any cosmetic procedure, patients may experience side effects following a Bellafill treatment. Most common are the following:
- Swelling, bruising, or bleeding at the injection site(s).
- Skin redness, itching, and tenderness.
- Rash or discoloration.
- Lumps or asymmetry.
- A feeling of the filler under the skin.
- Infection at the injection site(s).
- An under- or overcorrection of wrinkles.
For patients under 21 or patients who are pregnant or breastfeeding, the safety of Bellafill has not yet been established. Infrequently, granulomas may appear, but can be treated by your regular healthcare provider. The incidence of ganulomas appearing after injections of bovine collagen has been reported to be approximately 0.04 to 0.3 percent.
If any unusual skin reactions occur around the treatment area(s), be sure to contact your licensed provider immediately. Most side effects are usually resolved on their own during the first week of recovery. And because there is no downtime required from Bellafill treatments, you can generally return to work or other activities immediately following your procedure.
The Aristocrat Reassurance
Even though Bellafill is not a surgical procedure, it’s extremely important to choose a highly experienced and qualified physician. Doctors who are less familiar with the technique could over-fill the treatment site and leave you looking puffy and “done.” Dr. Tehrani and his trained injectors are intimately familiar with Bellafill, as well as the intricate anatomy of the proposed injection areas on the face. He has been given the distinction of ExpertInjectorTM, which fewer than 3% of doctors have qualified for. So you can rest assured that the attention, service, and care you receive at Aristocrat will be the best New York City has to offer. Call us today to schedule your consultation!