All About Kybella!
Over 68% of Americans are bothered by having a “double chin,” according to the American Society for Dermatological Surgery. Even with efforts to exercise and eat healthy, men or women of any age or weight can be affected by “double chins” and the associated problem of submental fat around the neck area. If you’re a patient with moderate to severe submental fat deposits, you could be a candidate for Kybella® injections. Kybella is a non-invasive injection treatment that helps reduce fat around the chin, upper neck, and submental area.
Kybella (deoxycholic acid) is a man-made form of a natural substance that your body produces to help absorb fats. The deoxycholic acid destroys fat cells where it’s injected. Dr. Kevin Therani is proud to have been selected as one of the first physicians in Long Island to use Kybella for the treatment of patients.
Kybella’s Benefits
As a way to minimize fullness under the chin with a quick, convenient injectable treatment, Kybella is a game changer, addressing problems that have been historically hard to eliminate. Some of Kybella’s benefits include:
- Slimming your profile without diet or exercise.
- Dissolving fat and improves the contour of the neck and jawline.
- Taking only 15 to 20 minutes, with results varying by individual.
- FDA approval for safe and effective treatments.
- Requiring no downtime.
- Leaving long-lasting to permanent results.
Since Kybella destroys fat cells, additional treatments are not necessarily required. It contains a natural molecule that leaves all other cells healthy and intact. And, similar to other injectables, it doesn’t require anesthesia.
Provided that you can prevent your body from the expansion of other fat cells by healthy weight maintenance, diet, and regular exercise, you can expect the results to be permanent!
Other areas where Kybella can reduce fat
Kybella is not just for the chin and neck areas either. For those with thigh fat that seems to be resistant to exercise, Kybella may be an option. And if bra bulges are a nuisance, unsightly pockets of fat can be safely removed with Kybella injections too. Kybella injections can be used in conjunction with liposuction and/or skin tightening.(links!)
Getting prepared for Kybella injections
Make sure you’re the right candidate for Kybella treatments. When you schedule a private consultation with Dr. Tehrani at Aristocrat, he will evaluate your medical history and physical condition to make a thorough determination of your candidacy. You should be prepared to discuss any previous cosmetic procedures you’ve had, if any, on your face, neck, or chin. Be sure to share whether you are nursing, pregnant, or planning to become pregnant in the near future. Also, let Dr. Tehrani know if you’re taking any anti-platelet or anti-coagulant medications.
While Kybella treatments are non-invasive and do not involve preparation, it’s advised to schedule your procedure well before any major events you have planned. Before your appointment, a thorough washing of your face can help reduce the risk of infection, and avoiding ibuprofen or acetaminophen can help prevent post-treatment bruising.
In your procedure, injection sites will be marked and you may receive a topical numbing agent or ice pack to ease any pain or discomfort while the treatment is performed. Usually, there are between 20 and 30, on up to 50, injections used to treat the chin area. After the injections, the acid in Kybella goes to work gradually, killing fat cells which are then metabolized by the body in the weeks following your treatment.
The number of treatments will vary from patient to patient, but you can receive up to six Kybella treatments, spacing at least one month between each session.
Possible risks and side effects from Kybella
Some common side effects that can follow Kybella treatments include pain, swelling, and bruising, plus redness and numbness. In most cases, these side effects are minimal and subside in one or two weeks. In some cases, however, serious side effects can occur including facial muscle weakness, an uneven smile, trouble with swallowing, or even nerve injury in the jaw. So any post-treatment discomforts should be brought to the attention of Dr. Tehrani immediately.
The Aristocrat Reassurance
As a board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Tehrani prides himself on utilizing cutting edge technology for both surgical and non-invasive methods of cosmetic procedures. He and the rest of the Aristocrat team are fully dedicated to helping you achieve your aesthetic and surgical goals, and giving you the confidence you need to be happy with your results. Call us today to schedule an appointment and let us show you what Aristocrat Plastic Surgery & MedAesthetics can do for you!