Attentive and approachable, Dr. Tehrani’s interview for NewBeauty


Attentive and approachable, Dr. Tehrani's interview for NewBeauty

“My curiosity leaves me open to cutting-edge procedures,” says Dr. Kevin Tehrani in a interview for NewBeauty, the world’s most unique magazine devoted exclusively to “everything beauty.” With nearly 10.2 million surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures performed in the United States during 2008, a 162 percent increase since 1997, NewBeauty fills the void for reliable information on all types of aesthetic procedures in light of the growing interest and surge in cosmetic-enhancing treatments.

How would you best summarize your philosophy?

“We satisfy many patients on many different levels. Our goal is to help our patients stay younger and healthier for their respective ages.”

What does a consultation with you entail?

“I routinely spend an hour with new consultations – and that’s just on the first visit. Two consultations are strongly recommended. I take pride in our interactive consutations. Sitting side-by-side and reviewing the patient’s computer images on the big screen, we quickly find a common perspective. Using these communications tools, we both part with a good idea of the possibilities. During the second consultations, patients are more focused and confidend in their choices.”

What do you think the future of plastic surgery holds?

“Our field is always evolving. I am always in persuit of finding new and innovative ways to improve safe, traditional procedures.”

Timeless tummy tuck

“My 39-year-old patient wanted a smoother, flatter abdomen, which she couldn’t fix with diet and exercise alone. In performing a lateral tension abdominoplasty, I was able to tighten her abdominal muscles and remove excess, lax skin.” Correcting post-pregnancy abs and breasts is quickly becoming one of the most popular combinationts fro Dr. Tehrani. his approach minimizes scars while sculpting the tummy and enhancing the breasts.


Attentive and approachable, Dr. Tehrani's interview for NewBeauty

“I do lateral tension abdominoplasties. First I create and internal corset using techniques that really pull in the waist, further refined with liposuction on the sides of the torso. Second, my incision is made very low on the bikini line. The lateral incision gives the patient a bonus – a bit of a thigh lift. The results are very dramatic, and also very natural looking – a great combination when it comes to body contouring.”

Beautiful breasts

Dr. Tehrani also performs several variations of breast augmentation. He is particularly excited about pairing his tummy tuck with breast augmentation by using one of two procedures – transumbilical breast augmentation (TUBA) or transabdominal breast augmentation (TABA). “If a patient is opposed to scars on their breasts, I can give them implants by going through the belly button or using the pocket created by the abdominoplasty.”


Breast Augmentation

Seeking to enhance the size of her breasts, while still maintaining a natural aesthetic, this 21-year-old patient sought out Dr. Tehrani for TUBA breast augmentation. “By going through the belly button, we were able to avoid scars on the breasts. And operating under the muscle enabled us to create a very natural contour.”

What words best describe your bedside manner?

“Attentive and approachable.”

What fascinates you most about the human body?

“The aeshtetic relationship between different areas of the body is very interesting to me.”

Where do you perform your surgeries?

“I have a JCAHO-accredited surgical suite in my office. It help me maximize my time and offers great privacy and convenience for my patients.”

With a distribution of approximately 500,000 copies per issue, NewBeauty is available for purchase at 40,000+ retailers in the United States, including major bookstores like Borders, Barnes & Noble, as well as airports, supermarkets and newsstands.

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