Aristocrat Tummy

Q&A: Can You Perform A Capsullorhaphy With Transax Incision?

“I’m in need for a revision to go smaller. Looking for a surgeon who does capaullorhaphies also, can it be done transax?”, asks a RealSelf user. “It is possible to have capsullorrhaphy via a transaxillary incision. It needs to be done endoscopic ally and it is much harder to do vs an infra mammary incision. You need an examination to …

Aristsocrat Celestial Charity

Dr. Kevin Tehrani invites you to… Celestial Charity Fashion Event

UPDATE from Dr. Kevin Tehrani (11/08/2012): We hope that this message finds you, your family and loved ones safe from aftermath of Sandy.  The effects of Hurricane Sandy have been devastating for many and I would like to reach out and send you our prayers and good wishes. We hope that you are able to return to a normal pace …

dr tehrani

Dr. Kevin Tehrani is among the top 10 plastic surgeons in New York

Fortune favors the bold, and recognition follows the best. It’s been a good year for Aristocrat Plastic Surgery & Medaesthetics, filled with success and great news. The latest recognition comes from, the No.1 visited website in New York City for the best of everything in the NY metropolitan area.  In their latest list, our founder Dr. Kevin Tehrani has …

Aristocrat Breast Augmentation

Q&A: Can Breast Augmentation Hide my Indented Sternum?

“I appear to have mild pectus excavatum in addition to absurdly small breasts. Mine looks wider and shallower than others I’ve seen, with my entire sternum sunken 1-2 cm below my rib cage except for a bony ridge along the sides. It is asymptomatic and I’ve decided against invasive surgery. In brief, I’d like to know to what extent breast …

Aristocrat BBL

Q&A: Can I Combine Tummy Tuck With Brazilian Butt Lift? What Are The Risks?

“Hi. Im 30 years old, I weight 124, I have 3 kids, 9, 6, and 4. I had 3 c-setion and i wanted to do the tummy tuck with Brazilian butt. My first question is it safe to go through general anesthesia?”, asks a RealSelf user. “I’m healthy woman with no problem but, I am kinda worried about going though …

Aristocrat Labiaplasty

Q&A: Since Botox Is A Toxin, Can It Cause And Outbreak Of My Herpes?

“Hello. I have herpes and I am considering having Botox around my eyes and on my forehead. As Botox is a toxin can it cause an outbreak? If so, what can I take to stop this from happening (I am not taking anti-virals). Thank you for your reply.”, asked a RealSelf user. “While it’s unlikely for you to have a …

Dr Kevin Tehrani

Dr. Kevin Tehrani, a Leading Beauty Expert at The Fab Over Fifty Beauty Bash

The Fab Over Fifty Beauty Bash, that was held on September 29th at the Metropolitan Pavilion in NYC, is an event created exclusively for fabulous women over fifty. At this event, women have the chance to gather with the smartest, savviest and strongest players in the beauty, apparel and accessories businesses and get a first-hand beat on the products, procedures …

Aristocrat Liposuction

Q&A: Best Way to Explant Cohesive Gel Implants 10 Years Later?

“I have had small 270cc cohesive gel implants over the muscle for 10 years. I now wish to remove and not replace. I am not symptomatic nor do I believe they have ruptured. Should I insist on en bloc removal? I am in the UK not many surgeons do this procedure. Thank you.”, asked a RealSelf user. “Unless there is …

Aristocrat Massage

Q&A: Is Lipolite Best For My Neck?

“Is Lipolite Best for my Neck? Would a Lipolite procedure lift/tighten my neck significantly? At least 75% lift? 90%? Or do you recommend another procedure? I am 59 almost 60 in very good health. Many thanks.”, asks a RealSelf user. “While you are a better candidate for a face/neck lift to get 90-100% result, you may not want to undergo …

Aristocrat Liposcution

Q&A: What Are The Long-term Effects Of Coolsculpting?

“I’m seriously considering getting Coolsculpting done on my love handles and stomach. I’ve read up on it, but can someone explain to me why it only damages the fat cells and nothing else? And also, does it ever come out “lumpy?” I’m worried about long-term side effects. Also, are the results more dramatic or thinner people or those with more …