Q&A: Brazilian Butt Lift with Fat from Already Liposuctioned Areas?
“I’m obsessed with getting a Brazilian butt lift. However, I have already had liposuction to my flanks, bra rolls and inner/outer thighs. And i have had a tummy tuck but i still have fat on my tummy. I don’t think I got good liposuction and looking at 1000’s of photos, I’ve seen many girls with less fat than me get amazing results. If there is still fat in these areas, and a very skilled/aggressive surgeon can get the fat, is fat from a site already lipo’d viable fat for a Brazilian butt lift?”, a RealSelf user asked.
“You certainly may be a candidate to undergo this procedure if you have had prior liposuction and there appears to be adequate tissue for harvest. It is not uncommon to have a great result in patients that feel they do not have adequate volume as adjacent area sculpting is necessary to achieve fabulous results.”, Aristocrat’s certified surgeon Dr. Kevin Tehrani, M.D., F.A.C.S explained.
If you have more questions, or you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tehrani, please call us!