Breast Augmentation Study! Patients are eligible for $2000 subject reimbursement upon completion of study.
We are currently recruiting patients for a study on the effects of jet Hydro dissection in breast augmentation postoperative pain. The first patients to enroll in the trial will receive a $2000 stipend towards their procedure. Breast augmentation in the subpectoral position has classically been associated with postoperative pain and discomfort within the first two weeks after the operation. Minimizing this pain and discomfort and ability to return to normal function soon after the operation has been the goal of numerous interventions. Minimal injury no touch dissection techniques have proven results regarding morbidity.
ERBEjet is a novel dissection using a jet of local anesthetic infused saline fluid with a built in coagulation function used for dissection of soft tissues. The study is designed to randomly perform ERBEjet Breast augmentation operation unilaterally on breast augmentation and mastopexy augmentation patients undergoing traditional sub pectoral dissection technique on the contralateral side. Patient’s record pain scores at regular intervals in the postoperative period. Physical examination performed by blinded practitioners assess discomfort and tenderness scores within the two weeks after the operation.
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