Breast Lift Patient Testimonial: “Dr. Tehrani was miles above the competition”
Read the story of a Breast Lift patient that turned to Dr. Kevin Tehrani, MD, FACS after several difficult Breast Lift surgeries with several different plastic surgeons:
“I underwent a Breast lift 10 years ago that gave me a beautiful result, however it only lasted one year. After about a year my breasts had bottomed out and looked horribly unnatural so I went back to the original surgeon for another lift, this time adding an implant. The results of this 2nd surgery were horrific. The scar that was supposed to be under my breast was in the middle of my breast, and the implant appeared to be sliding down into my abdomen. I was in shock. This surgeon was touted as the “Long Island Breast Specialist.” He kept telling me the implant and scar would correct itself in time. This was simply not the case. To this day I cant understand how he did what he did, or how he could keep lying to me that it would correct itself. I looked deformed from day 1 after surgery, and 6 months later I looked just as bad. I then made the decision to find another surgeon to fix the deformation, and embarked on my 3rd breast surgery in 2 years. Finally, I had a little good fortune. My result was beautiful considering the abundance of scars and the cut chest muscles (yes my previous surgeon had sliced my chest muscles during surgery). I had a new implant that was unable to be placed under the muscle due to those cuts, but was in the right place, and the scars were neatly underneath where they belonged. My breasts looked beautiful for 8 years, until two pregnancies and babies sucked the life out of them and I was once again researching plastic surgeons to help me.
I made the decision to go with a different doctor yet again. One well-known plastic surgeon actually told me my case was too complicated and I probably shouldn’t do anything, but I knew I couldn’t live like that so it wasn’t an option for me. After several consultations, I decided on Dr. Tehrani. We went with silicone gel implants and thankfully time healed my muscles enough so that the implants could be placed under them. We also used Strattice to help support my thinned out skin. I was immediately happy with the look and shape of my new breasts! What a huge difference! Unfortunately my joy was short-lived. In the months following surgery I had complications that arose from the Strattice. My wounds kept reopening and draining, and pieces of Strattice were actually oozing out of me. My Doctor kept cutting away the Strattice that my body wasn’t incorporating, but after 6 months of draining from several open spots, and a hardening capsule on one side, we’ve made the decision to schedule a 5th surgery to remove any traces of the Strattice, which my body simply does not like. I feel its my only option at this point. Thank goodness I finally found a wonderful plastic surgeon whom I trust completely. He has welcomed my issues with open arms and the kind of warmth and caring that I’ve never seen in a plastic surgeon. He has never brushed me off, or minimized my concerns. He has stayed late for me, and he’s gotten on the phone to talk with me when I was content to just leave a message for his nurse. During visits I always get his full attention, and I never feel rushed. He made me feel like I was his utmost priority from day 1, and that is priceless!
Left: After my 3rd revision surgery but BEFORE kids – 4 years ago. This is sub-glandular saline implant with an Anchor shaped scar that healed nicely!
Right: Kids drained the life out of me! This is BEFORE my 4th Surgery.
I never took any photos of the original surgery, or the botched revision. The only photos I have are of my breasts after the 3rd surgery. This is how they looked until kids. The next photo is after kids and before my 4th surgery. Next photo is current.
Top Left: 6 mos after Surgery #4. The odd scarring at the bottom of my breasts is from areas that re-opened and drained and had to close up on their own. These are sub-muscular 380cc Silicone gel.
Top Right: This is the side with hardening due to Capsular Contracture. There are two tiny spots along the bottom that are still draining in this photo.
Bottom Left: The side closest to mirror feels soft and natural, although it still has a small spot at the bottom that drains.
Bottom Right: This is the side that has hardened, developed capsular contracture.
I’ve read so much about Strattice since my surgery and I wonder why it seems like so many are having success with it, and my body just didn’t like it. Most situations that I read about, the patient had drains put in during surgery and kept them in for days/weeks post-op. I never had drains put in, and I wonder if this is the reason my body rejected it. The first incision didn’t open until about 3 weeks post-op. It felt tender and painful in a particular spot and then within a day or two, the spot would be open and oozing like crazy. My Dr followed up with me closely, and kept cutting away the strattice from the open wounds. He also gave me a Rx strength healing ointment to put on the open wounds, and eventually they did close up. But then new spots would open and drain all along the bottom of my breasts. I trusted my body and my dr that eventually it would heal up and the strattice would be incorporated but a few weeks ago I noticed the left side hardening and pushing up to my neck when I used my chest muscles. I’ve become increasingly self-conscious about it, especially at the gym. I read about bio-film forming around the implant due to the bacteria from the open wounds and I’m pretty sure that’s what caused the capsular contracture. My most recent visit to the Dr, I showed him the hardening and together we decided it was best to just get back in the OR and take all the strattice out. He told me the biggest risk at this point would be risk of infection due to the open wounds and bacteria on the surface of the skin. I’m a little freaked out about that. He said he will pump me full of heavy duty antibiotics. I’m really ready to have this all behind me and finally start enjoying my new breasts. I feel like since day 1, 10 years ago, I’ve had a black cloud over me with these breasts.
As a little cheer me up bonus in the face of all these complications, I’ve decided to go a little bigger in implant size. Something closer to the way I looked before kids.
Just a quick note about the GIANT incisions you see under my breasts in the current photos. These were done by my original PS in surgery #2. My current PS already told me they were way too long, but they were already there and not his preference.”
Thank you for choosing Dr. Tehrani and Aristocrat Plastic Surgery & MedAesthetics, and thank you for this wonderful testimonial:
I love Dr. Tehrani! I went to several doctors with great reputations but Dr. Tehrani was miles above the competition. He understood the gravity of my situation since I had so many prior surgeries and he relayed to me realistic expectations, which I really appreciated. He has taken my perception of a plastic surgeon to a whole other level with the way he genuinely cared for me after surgery. Its easy for someone to love their plastic surgeon when they get a fabulous result on the first try, but the real meat and potatoes of a doctor lies in the not-so-glamourous cases. When complications arise, and the unforeseen happens, does he place blame? Does he feed you lies that it will correct itself or go away in time? Does he make you wait in his waiting room endlessly while tending to new consultations and then rush through or push you out the door? Does he treat you like you are to blame? I experienced these things from my first Plastic Surgeon 10 years ago, and I know the drill quite well. Dr. Tehrani did NONE of these things when I had complications. In fact he was totally the opposite of my first plastic surgeon! Dr. Tehrani was wonderful! He welcomed me and my barrage of problems with open arms, and treated me like his number one priority. I never waited more than 10 minutes in the waiting room. His staff would squeeze an appointment in for me no matter how booked he was, and he gave me his undivided attention at every single follow-up. He stayed positive when I felt like giving up, and he kept introducing new strategies to help my body heal. More than anything, he gave me honesty and genuinely cared about me through every obstacle. I have the utmost faith in him as a plastic surgeon that he would never steer me wrong because he is the opposite of all those arrogant, so-called infallible doctors out there. He is REAL, genuine, and a truly gifted artist. I know I am in the best of hands with him and I wouldn’t trust my body or my face to anyone else.
You can learn more about the Breast Lift procedure HERE, and schedule your consultation with Dr. Kevin Tehrani HERE.
This testimonial was originally published at