Breast Reduction And Insurance Coverage
It’s exceedingly rare to have a patient in need for a free nipple graft, but the result should be nice with breast reduction procedure, explains Aristocrat Plastic Surgery & MedAesthetics’ board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kevin Tehrani. The goal of breast reduction is to give you smaller, better-shaped breasts which are in proportion to the rest of your body. If you have very large, pendulous breasts, you may experience a variety of medical problems caused by their excessive weight and size. Read more about breast reduction.
“Basic big boob problems grooves in shoulders, back and shoulder issues, rashes, and today found out from the plastic surgery due to the moisture that is trapped in between my breast I have a discoloration. It goes away but I never knew it was considered that. I have Priority Partners, I’m only 31 and my nipples are past my forearm you would think they would approve right? My PCP wrote them a letter stating the medical necessity and my plastic surgery is sending off the extra info. Do you think the odds are in my favor?”, a RealSelf user asked.
“Based on your description of the amount to be removed, it is very likely that your insurance company will cover your best reduction procedure. While I find it exceedingly rare to have a patient in need for a free nipple graft, you should have a very nice result after you breast reduction procedure as you not only benefit from reducing the symptoms you will have a aesthetic byproduct if the surgery. Best if luck.” , Aristocrat Plastic Surgery & MedAesthetics’ board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Kevin Tehrani said.
Do you have more questions? You can contact us to schedule your consultation with Dr. Tehrani, one of the best plastic surgeons in New York, with offices in Long Island and Manhattan, and have all of your questions about any cosmetic procedure answered.