Dr. Tehrani awarded with an Expert Injector Badge by NewBeauty Magazine

The top New York plastic surgeon Dr. Kevin Tehrani has received an Expert Injector Badge that once again confirms the professionalism and sophistication he imparts in his work.

“I’m honored to receive the badge. It is nothing but a stronger motivation to continue providing the finest surgical and non-surgical procedures for our patients.”

Dr. Kevin Tehrani received his first Expert Badge in 2008. His pursuit for innovation in traditional surgery procedures has been rewarded with an expert badge every year since then. The latest Expert Injector Badge is a great acknowledgment of Dr. Tehrani’s efforts to perform all procedures in the smoothest possible way.

NewBeauty magazine is the first magazine devoted exclusively to providing a comprehensive guide to the latest advances in plastic surgery, dermatology and cosmetic dentistry as well as revealing the best non-surgical beauty secrets, must-have products and expert advice.

You can see the profile of Dr. Kevin Tehrani on New Beauty here.

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