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Experts should be the only option

There is a concern for young people who do non surgical cosmetic treatments at home, instead of consulting first with the experts and doing the procedures in proper clinics and hospitals, the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic surgeons warns.

facelift new yorkThe temptation for the young people are the costs, they can’t afford going to big clinics where, for example, they get charged for injecting Botox. They also feel their home is more comfortable environment for doing treatments that, for them, seem harmless.

But the naivety is not something to be disregarded when dealing with young people. There are health risks involved in the procedures if they are not done appropriately, if done by unqualified people without the required skill and training. The doctors also point out that homes are not prepared for medical procedures, especially if there is a need for an emergency.

Every medical treatment can vary from person to person, it depends on the patient’s current health, previous medical history and understanding of the treatment. Therefore, in order for a procedure to be done as it should be done without risks and consequences, you should always consult an expert.

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