Final Results May Be Better When Weight Loss Comes First

For obese women who want both bariatric procedures and breast reduction surgery, optimal results are achieved when weight loss is achieved first, suggests a study in the September issue of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, the official medical journal of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS).

The researchers analyzed patient satisfaction and other outcomes in severely obese women who had massive weight loss of more than 50 pounds. All but one of the women needed bariatric surgery to achieve massive weight loss.

Bariatric procedures for obesity can affect the appearance of the breasts as a result of excess skin and other changes. After massive weight loss, 86 percent of the women who previously had reduction mammaplasty thought their breasts looked worse. About half of the women planned to have further surgery to improve the appearance of their breasts. Others said they would have further surgery if it was covered by insurance.

The study included two groups of women: 15 who underwent breast reduction surgery before massive weight loss and 14 who did not have breast reduction surgery before massive weight loss. All of the women who underwent reduction mammaplasty thought their breasts looked better after the operation. In addition, most felt better able to exercise and to lose weight on their own after breast reduction surgery. However, all 15 women needed bariatric surgery to achieve their weight-loss goals. Further reductions in breast size followed bariatric surgery.

Because of the benefits of breast reduction – including relief from severe breast-related symptoms – most of the women did not regret their decision to have reduction mammaplasty first. However, if giving advice to a friend, they said they would recommend losing weight before undergoing breast reduction surgery.

Of the women who did not undergo reduction mammaplasty, 71 percent felt the appearance of their breasts was worse after bariatric surgery. Half planned to have breast reduction surgery, while more said they would if they could afford it.

The new results suggest that most women are dissatisfied with the appearance of their breasts after massive weight loss, whether or not they undergo breast reduction surgery before bariatric procedures.

(via ASAP)

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