Aesthetician’s Corner: Fraxel Clear & Brilliant VS Fraxel, Fraxel Dual, Fraxel Re:store, Fraxel Re:Pair

Have you heard of Fraxel treatments?

Fraxel uses a fractionated laser technology to make micro-channels into the skin meaning that it uses a laser to penetrate a certain percentage of the area which encourages new growth and stimulates collagen production for up to 6 months after the treatment. The technician performing the treatment is able to adjust the settings depending on what is being treated. Not all fractionated lasers are created equally, some go deeper than others like Fraxel Re:store and Fraxel Dual, and others are not only fractionated but ablative as well, like Fraxel Re:pair which means that it also takes off the top layers of skin as well for a complete resurfacing and skin rejuvenation. Fraxel treatments help to treat lines, wrinkles, aging, pigment, surgical scars and acne scars and, in some cases, melasma.

Today we are talking about the benefits of Fraxel Clear + Brilliant

Fraxel Clear + Brilliant offers a superficial resurfacing perfect for skin maintenance and age prevention and unlike other lasers is safe on all skin types and colors. Clear + Brilliant causes less thermal damage, offers minimal discomfort compared to the other Fraxel treatments. Clear + Brilliant has less downtime, it brightens and softens your skin, evens out skin tone giving your skin glowing results. Because it is gentler and not as aggressive we can do the treatment in the summertime with minimal restrictions. This means, you still should be avoiding the sun for two days following the treatment and wearing sunscreen and a wide brimmed hat if you are, let’s say, by the pool or at the beach. This treatment is best performed in a series of 6, done 3-4 weeks apart, or as monthly maintenance treatments. After care is also simple: just use a gentle cleanser and antioxidant and a good sunscreen is all that is recommended after the treatment.

If you are ready to experience the magical power of laser resurfacing, give us a call now and save 25% on the package of 3+ treatments. Remember, that skincare is especially effective when it’s preventative, and Fraxel Clear & Brilliant can be a perfect way to slow down the aging process, brighten your skin and address minor imperfections.

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