How to Ensure Your Brazilian Butt Lift Is Safe

If you’re considering a Brazilian Butt Lift, you’ve probably worried about the safety risks involved. And that’s a good thing. The most important thing when it comes to any kind of procedure is that it is done safely and that you as a patient feel comfortable with your surgery and the manner in which it is being performed.

A Brazillian Butt Lift (BBL) is a minimally invasive procedure in which fat is extracted from areas where it is unwanted—often the stomach and waist area—and reinjected into the buttocks to create desired shape and volume. It has become increasingly popular in past years due to its natural looking results.

It is also increasingly considered a safer option to implants. Butt implants, although these can also be done safely with the skill and knowledge of an experienced surgeon, have a number of potential risks, such as infections and delayed healing. The most concerning risk associated with butt implants is infection because the surgical incision is usually near the anus, in the gluteal cleft, and therefore, bacterial infections are of higher incidence. Because a BBL uses your own fat to build a new butt, the results not only look and feel more natural, but also hold less risk since no foreign matter is being introduced into your body and the surgery is less invasive.

However, as is true with any operation, there are still potential risks involved that you should be aware of before pursuing a BBL.

Possible BBL Risks

1. Infection

While not common, an infection is possible following a Brazilian Butt Lift. Symptoms of an infection include fever, yellow or green discharge, and redness that won’t go away. If you have an infection, you also might notice a bad smell coming from the surgical site. The best way to prevent infection is to enlist an accredited clinic and an ASPS certified surgeon, to follow your doctor’s instructions in the recovery period, and to remain vigilant for signs of infection in the weeks after your procedure.

2. Reabsorbed Fat

The cosmetic surgeon will transfer fat into the buttocks during the procedure. Your body might reabsorb some of the fat cells, making your results less noticeable. Your cosmetic surgeon can reduce the risk by using the proper technique during the fat transfer. You can also do your part by wearing your compression garment and avoiding direct contact with your buttocks during recovery.

3. Seroma

A seroma occurs when fluid builds up at the site of incision. This may increase risk of infection or other side effects, but is easily identified by the swelling. If you notice a large amount of swelling that does not seem to subside, you may need to make another appointment with your surgeon to have the site drained; this should solve the problem.

4. Scarring or Fat Cell Death

Generally speaking, scarring from a BBL is not significant because the procedure itself is minimally invasive and because surgeons place the small incisions they do make in relatively discrete places. Especially with a safe and certified cosmetic surgeon, exorbitant scarring is rarely a risk. Your surgeon may also provide or recommend creams to decrease scarring, some of which are available in our very own Aristocrat store. These creams are specifically designed and endorsed by the accredited surgical staff of Aristocrat to diminish discoloration and scarring as well as soothe and nourish your skin.

Sometimes, fat cell death may also be a problem with a BBL procedure. If the fat cells injected into the buttox fail to integrate themselves into their new location, your immune system may not recognize them and expel them from your body. This may cause uneven or asymmetrical results. If this is the case, a second procedure can often help, but with an accredited surgeon and adherence to recovery guidelines, one surgery can often be enough, and with proper diet and exercise, the results can be maintained permanently.

5. Tissue Necrosis

Tissue necrosis is not common for Brazilian Butt Lift patients, but it is possible with any surgical procedure. This occurs when the surgical site does not receive proper blood supply. The healthy tissue dies, and it might have to be removed. The most important step you can take to lower the risk of this occurring is avoiding contact with your buttocks during recovery unless absolutely necessary. It is also important that you follow any instructions given to you by your surgeon, cease smoking, and remain vigilant for problematic signs during your recovery.

6. Bleeding

Again, this is very rare, but occasionally patients can experience excessive bleeding at the incision site following the procedure. Your cosmetic surgeon will evaluate you to see if you have signs that your body will have difficulty healing. Your surgeon will also consider your medications, ensuring that you aren’t on anticoagulants that could cause bleeding.

7. Sensation Loss

Some temporary numbness is expected following a BBL procedure, especially as the anesthetic continues to fade out of your system, However, if the numbness subsists in the weeks following your procedure, this can point to nerve damage or permanent loss of feeling in the region. Contact your physician if this is the case to see what can be done.

8. General Anesthesia Mishaps

A BBL utilizes general anesthesia to put you out while the procedure is completed. This process can (and has in the past) been quite dangerous when not done correctly, but thanks to advancements in medicine and technology as well as an abundance of safety guidelines and rules set by the American Society for Anesthesiologists (ASA), it is now extremely safe.

Of course, it is only safe when those guidelines are followed. The potential dangers of this process if done incorrectly, however, make it imperative that you choose a well established and reliable practice like Aristocrat for your procedure to ensure success and, most importantly, your safety.

Tips to Ensure a Safe Recovery

1. Expect Some Side Effects

Following your procedure, you can expect some

  • Pain and discomfort
  • swelling
  • Fluid seepage

These are all normal parts of recovery and do not necessarily point to any issues with the surgery. If any of these side effects persists for extended periods of time or becomes increasingly worse, you may want to contact your surgeon. However, everyone experiences recovery differently, and if some of these mild symptoms occur, we encourage you to simply keep an eye on it and not to panic.

2. Be Careful How You Sit and Sleep

After going through with a BBL, you will be surprised to realize how much of your day you previously spent sitting or lying down. It is certainly an adjustment to constantly avoid putting pressure on your buttocks, but in the end it will be worth it when you are fully healed with a firm, voluptuous, and undamaged butt.

For 10-14 days you will need to avoid sitting at all costs. This means avoiding collapsing into your favorite comfy chair, sitting at the dinner table, and driving, and sleeping on your back, although the bathroom is the one exception. This is because you need to allow new, grafted fat cells to settle within the tissues and heal. When you sit, it applies pressure to the fat which prevents or slows this healing.

You should continue this way until your plastic surgeon gives you the go-ahead to sit again, and even then you will have to use a Brazillian Butt pillow to provide further protection until the site is fully healed.

3. Limit Exercise Until Approved

Until cleared by your surgeon, you should keep away from any intense or high impact exercise or activities—likely about six to eight weeks. Once that period is over, you can return to your regular routine, or even increase the exercises you’re doing to work that new butt! The fat cells will be fully integrated and able to handle it. If you are looking for new butt exercises to do, here are a few recommendations:

  • Donkey kicks
  • Squats
  • Leg raises (vertical and lateral)
  • Plank leg raises
  • Lunges

4. Eat a Healthy and Balanced Diet

It’s always important to nourish your body, but this is especially true as your body is healing. Make sure you are getting enough food, all the necessary vitamins and minerals, plenty of antioxidants and micronutrients, and using common sense and moderation when it comes to your intake of foods high in fat or sugar. You will want to be especially careful of your sodium intake as increased sodium also increases water retention. Eating less salt will decrease bloating and help speed up the rate at which swelling subsides, making your recovery process quicker, easier, and more comfortable.

5. Keep an eye out for signs of infection

Perhaps the most important thing you can do is stay vigilant for signs that something may have gone wrong. Make an appointment to meet with your surgeon if you have any of the following symptoms that do not seem to subside:

  • Swelling
  • Discoloration
  • Consistent pain
  • Fever
  • Unpleasant odor
  • Liquid seepage from the area of operation

Safety Tips Before Your Procedure

Here are some tips to help you ensure your procedure’s success even before it’s begun.

1. Be in the best shape you can before the operation

The healthier you are going in, the healthier you’ll be coming out. In the weeks before your surgery, ensure that you’re eating well—not under or over eating, getting plenty of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, hydrating, and moving your body in a way that strengthens you and feels good. If you smoke, cease doing so at least four weeks before your procedure. Smoking can drastically decrease the rate of recovery and even hinder your results!

2. Pick up any prescriptions you’ll need

Before your procedure, your surgeon will likely prescribe certain medications for your recovery. Make sure you have these picked up and ready (or you have someone to do it for you) as, especially just after your surgery, it will be difficult for you to do this yourself.

3. Have a recovery plan

Similar to what’s stated above, if you’re figuring out your recovery plan—how you’re going to get around, etc—after your surgery, you are bound to struggle. It is important to get ahead of the curve, make plans to alter your work or social schedule, and ensure that you give yourself the time, space, and resources to recover. This may include taking time off of work, rescheduling big events or social gatherings, and having someone (or multiple people) available to help and support you. It is recommended that you consult your doctor on what you can and can’t do before your operation so you can fully plan for a safe and healthy recovery.

4. Consult with your doctor

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: there is nothing more important than consulting your surgeon. Communication is key. Brazilian butt lifts are by no means a “one size fits all” procedure. Every patient’s body is different, with varying levels of fat and muscle—that means what is safe for one patient may not be safe for you, and the nuances of the procedure need to be well-understood before any additional steps are taken.

The more information you are able to share with your doctor the better: full medical history, any medications or prescriptions you are taking, any family history of illness or conditions. This also allows you the time to ask questions of your own and ensure that a BBL is the right procedure for you. At Aristocrat, Dr. Tehani takes time to consult with every patient personally before their procedure to determine exactly what can and should be done for safe, successful results.

5. Find a top tier practice you trust

In America, most states do not require a doctor to be certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ASPS) to perform cosmetic operations. That means that it could be an optometrist doing your BBL or tummy tuck if you don’t look carefully enough!

Even more dangerous are illegal procedures, often offered at much cheaper prices, but without the safety, certification, or liability of accredited practices. Some silicone injections, illegal in the U.S. but often pedaled and sold abroad, are even lethal and have to be removed from the patients’ body before it’s too late. Although a top tier, ASPS certified surgeon may be more expensive, opting for cheaper, more dubious options may force you to pay a far higher price.

Plastic surgery requires specific training and experience to handle any complications, and anyone not trained in the field may not be able to handle those when they arise. For this reason, it is imperative that you find a practice with doctors certified by the ASPS or the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) for a safe, complication-free procedure.

At Aristocrat Plastic Surgery & MedAesthetics, Dr. Kevin Tehrani is not only board certified, but also highly awarded, named one of NYC’s top plastic surgeons. Aristocrat has years of experience providing his patients with successful BBLs and the atmosphere of our practice and MedSpa are specifically designed to help you feel safe, relaxed, and confident about your procedure. Starting with a private consultation, Aristocrat will customize the right surgical plan to deliver exactly the results you’re looking for as safely as possible. Call today and schedule an appointment!

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