How to prepare yourself for cosmetic surgery

Cosmetic surgery will change you, improve your lifestyle, and help you keep your confidence up. You must prepare for these changes in order to gain the benefits.

Firstly, keep your mind and body at ease. Try not to stress, but think about your decision carefully.

plastic surgery preparationsUnderstanding the procedure is the best way to recognize what changes will you go through. Every patient gets anxious before surgery, but there is nothing to worry about if you have an experienced and licensed plastic surgeon. Don’t hesitate to ask the doctor for more information about the procedure, even if your questions seem silly. Ask about the procedure, how to prepare for it and what to do after the operation.

Stop smoking and drinking alcohol for at least 2-3 weeks before the surgery. Consult with the doctor on what medications you take. At the day of the surgery wear loose clothes, but if you are doing breast surgery your should be given a specialized bra.

You’ll need to make plans for the post-surgery period. The recovery can be swift if you follow your doctor’s advice, but also if you don’t stress yourself out while resting. Find a friend, partner or a member of your family that will help you through the recovery. You should share the information you’ve learned from the consultations with your doctor, so they will know what measures to take if you need something.

Fill your fridge with healthy food and a lot of ice for the swelling. Get tons of pillows, have a telephone nearby, and get magazines and books, because reading can take your mind off the surgery and make you feel relaxed. Depending on the procedures you can also get eye drops, because after some face procedures the eyes might be dry. Get pain medication and antibiotics to ease the discomfort, and stock up moisturizers and antibacterial soap.

Last but not least, enjoy the new you! Cosmetic surgery is designed to improve your looks and body, and with it your confidence and self-esteem.

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