Illegal Silicone Butt Injections Are Rampant. We Can Help!

Do you dream of a bootylicious bottom? In the quest for a better backside, too many women are opting for illegal silicone butt injections and reaping unfortunate consequences. These injections aren’t safe and can lead to lifelong complications and even death. Get the bottom you want without resorting to an unnecessarily dangerous and illegal procedure like silicone butt injections. Schedule a consultation with Dr. Tehrani and learn about the best butt augmentation options for you.

I Got Silicone Butt Injections from Someone Uncertified and I’m in Agony! Now What?

Most patients who come in with illegal injections have had silicone or hydrogel injected. These patients usually got the procedure from someone who was not certified, often even in basements. They opt for the cheap procedure rather than a safe one and end up paying the ultimate price. These injections can migrate within the tissue and cause a great deal of pain, bruising, scabbing, and many other health issues.

Dr. Tehrani removes the illegal substances with liposuction, which pulls out and safely removes the gel particles. At that point, patients often choose to have their own fat injected so they don’t lose the volume they were trying to achieve.

Brazilian Butt Lift – Get the Curves You’ve Always Wanted

For many women, diet and exercise aren’t enough to achieve the perfect bottom. A Brazilian Butt Lift could be the SAFE solution. This procedure transfers fat from an area with excess into the buttocks. It can add volume, increase projection, and enhance the shape of your buttocks. Results are significant and long lasting.

A Brazilian Butt Lift is a two-part procedure. Fat is first extracted from an area with excess using liposuction. We often choose an area that will complement the results of your butt lift, like the lower back, waist, love handles, thighs, or abdomen. This fat is purified and placed into syringes for injection into the buttocks. During the second part of the procedure, hundreds of injections are made into the buttocks, in many locations and at varying depths. Special attention is given to the upper buttocks to ensure a lifted, perky-looking result.

After your procedure, the transferred fat will establish a blood supply and become a part of the buttocks.

Do I Need an Implant?

Fat transfer is an effective option for many patients, but it won’t work for everyone. A significant amount of fat is needed for transfer. Some women just don’t have the fat necessary for a successful Brazilian Butt Lift. If you lack sufficient fat, Dr. Tehrani may recommend placing an implant into the buttocks. This silicone implant is carefully placed away from important nerves and the bony area where you sit. Unlike silicone injections, a silicone implant is a safe option; silicone implants have been used safely in the body for many years. Silicone implants can be used on their own or paired with a Brazilian Butt Lift, depending on your anatomy and goals.

What’s Recovery Like After a Brazilian Butt Lift?

A Brazilian Butt Lift provides lasting results, but it is a surgical procedure and will require some downtime as you recover. After your surgery you’ll need to avoid sitting or lying on the buttocks for 2-3 weeks. Most patients miss about two weeks of work and are able to return to exercise in about four weeks.

Love your bottom, but do it safely. Ask us about the Brazilian Butt Lift.

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