Q&A: How Do I Decide Between Lap Flap And Implants or TUG Flap Surgery?

“I had a bi-lateral mastectomy in 12/11 and radiation on the left side. I’m now considering reconstruction. I am small – 5’3/4″ and 103 lbs. One doctor recommends TUG flaps. Another said it would be a close call whether I have enough to spare on my thighs even for small breasts; he’s suggesting lat flaps and implants (no expanders). How do I decide? They both said I could avoid a flap on the right side (just an implant), but isn’t it better for appearance to do the same procedure on both sides?”, a RealSelf user asked.

“Congratulations on being cancer free. While it is not ideal to make online recommendation without an exam, in general bilateral latissimus dorsi flaps with implants would be a best option in someone with your description. TUG flaps are free flaps and typically reserved for when other flaps are not available and rarely done bilaterally in one operation. Best of luck.”, Aristocrat’s certified surgeon Dr. Kevin Tehrani, M.D., F.A.C.S explained.

If you have more questions, or you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tehrani, please call us!

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