“Maskne” – The Irritating Skin Condition of the Pandemic Era

As a result of the frequent wearing of protective face masks to prevent the spread of Coronavirus, people who are prone to acne can start to develop skin issues as a result of wearing them. The term “maskne” has been coined to refer to the facial acne and skin irritations that appear from dirt and oil that gets trapped in the pores. Mask wearing has also been linked to the cause of skin conditions like milaria rubra and rosacea.


Our heroes on the front lines, particularly our healthcare workers, are especially vulnerable to maskne. From suiting up to treat COVID-19 patients all day and working tirelessly to keep patients as well as themselves safe and protected, adverse skin reactions such as rashes, bruises, and indentations from wearing personal protection equipment for extended work shifts can wreak havoc on facial skin.


What Causes Maskne?

Doctors have found that there are a number of ways that maskne can develop. Wearing a mask all day is one of the most common ways. Another way is through mechanical friction, or from moisture that develops around the face that, combined with heat, causes inflammation in the area. During the hot, summer weather with increased temperatures, your skin can become more oily and irritated.


Acne mechanica, or mechanical acne, results from the rubbing that occurs between the mask and skin, with extra sweat and makeup getting grounded into the mask. A common sign of this is when there is redness along the lines of where the mask lies on the face identified, typically identified by the red oval outline along the border of the mask.


The sweat-inducing heat and the tight masks make the ideal recipe for maskne to occur because the area becomes more tender to the touch as a result of the disruption of the skin barrier, which causes inflammation. As the sensory nerves become hypersensitive to any external stimulation, applying any creams or lotions to the area sting. Combined with the friction, the blocking or closing up of blood vessels beneath the skin, and the general emotional stress of dealing with COVID-19, acne bumps and scars can develop.


Stress is known to trigger flare-ups of acne, eczema, seborrhea dermatitis, and rosacea. It’s quite possible that our hormonal responses to stress can play a role in how these skin conditions develop.


How Can You Prevent Maskne?

There are a number of ways to care for your skin as we continue practicing pandemic safety measures by wearing masks when out in public. We’ll outline some of those ways here:


  • Applying an Emollient: the skin irritation most common with masks occurs across the bridge of the nose where the flexible nosepiece of the mask is secured, and over the central cheeks. The condition can be treated and minimized with the use of a healing ointment with a thicker amount of emollients. 
  • Using a Moisturizer: using a moisturizer that has a light consistency, and that ideally contains anti-acne ingredients can help combat the effects of maskne. One of the issues that’s a central problem from wearing a mask all day are skin barrier injuries, where the integrity of the skin is weakened from the friction caused by the mask. With issues like acne and rosacea, a skin barrier injury aggravates the skin to deliver an abnormal inflammatory response. To help restore the skin barrier, applying an oil-free moisturizer to damp the skin numerous times a day can help.  
  • Using Topical Retinoids: when skin becomes inflamed, it can accelerate its reparative capability, which, with an acne condition, can result in clogged pores and a worsening of the condition. A topical retinoid application applied every other night for several weeks can help. 
  • Cleanse and Exfoliate Skin: a gentle cleansing and exfoliation of your face should be a routine habit you perform at the end of each day anyway, but especially as a result of increased mask wearing. 
  • Wash Your Masks Daily: cleaning your masks after you take them off after a day of wearing them should be a routine habit as well, as supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The buildup of oil, dead skin cells, and the minute debris that accumulates on the inside of the mask can be irritating to the skin, and the particulate matter that can hit the outside of the mask must also be washed away.

Machine washing is okay for cleaning your mask, but use a fragrant-free detergent and warm water. Keeping your face and mask as clean as possible is the best way to minimize the development of skin issues.


  • Take Prescription Meds: chronic inflammation and persistent irritation can be treated with prescribed medications from a professional dermatologist. Constant dermatitis conditions can lead to skin infections, such as a cold sore outbreak in some cases, for which good medicines can help in controlling the more severe symptoms of maskne.  

Aristocrat Plastic Surgery offers a wide range of top-end, high-quality facial products that can help to prevent and treat maskne, and give your skin the protection it needs to promote a flawless appearance no matter the season (or mask requirements). Our fine products are available at both our Manhattan Plastic Surgery and Long Island Plastic Surgery offices. Here are two that we highly recommend for treating maskne:



  • Clarifying Acne HydraFacial® Deluxe (Sold by Aristocrat Plastic Surgery)

    This treatment is specifically geared toward minimizing those blackheads, pimples and congestion with extended extractions and Blue LED light therapy. HydraFacial® is the world’s leading advanced non-laser skin care system that is making strides here at Aristocrat Plastic Surgery & MedAesthetics. HydraFacial® works deep in the skin layer to treat fine lines & wrinkles, congested pores, excess oils, dark spots and acne. 
  • BBL™  Photofacial (Sold by Aristocrat Plastic Surgery)

    Forever Young BBL (photofacial) treatment, also known as photo rejuvenation, is a procedure that uses broad spectrum light to rejuvenate the skin and restore your skin’s youthful color. In a few quick and painless treatments, the Forever Young BBL (photofacial) will treat Rosacea, hyperpigmentation, sun damage, freckles, wrinkles, broken capillaries, age spots, acne, and other signs of skin damage. 


Taking care of your skin and paying attention to its needs daily, especially during this challenging time, is the best way to keep it healthy, clean, and glowing. Schedule an appointment today for a consultation to discuss and evaluate your skin’s condition. Should you need it, your treatment options will be explained in detail, and a long-term treatment strategy will be designed for you. We pride ourselves on individualized attention to your needs, so you can face the coming seasons with beauty and confidence!

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