Q&A: 10 Days Post Op Circumfrential Traditional Leg Lipo and Major Swelling. Possible to See Results?
“I have major swelling and do not see results. I had it done by one of the top plastic surgeons in NYC who described my surgery as ‘ enormous amount of liposuction ‘ I’ve noticed people saying they immediately notice results although swelling is there. My thighs are 5″ larger right now and my inner thighs feel like (and look like) there are huge lumps in them. If doctor claims he removed and enormous amount if fat shouldn’t there be results? I am getting very nervous about this.”, a RealSelf user asked.
“This is very common after thigh liposuction. You should discuss the options of compression, lymphatic massage as well as garment use with your surgeon. I occasionally use diuretics to help decrease the swelling. Must make sure you don’t have DVT however.”, Aristocrat’s certified surgeon Dr. Kevin Tehrani, M.D., F.A.C.S explained.
If you have more questions, or you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tehrani, please call us!