Q&A: Best Way to Explant Cohesive Gel Implants 10 Years Later?

“I have had small 270cc cohesive gel implants over the muscle for 10 years. I now wish to remove and not replace. I am not symptomatic nor do I believe they have ruptured. Should I insist on en bloc removal? I am in the UK not many surgeons do this procedure. Thank you.”, asked a RealSelf user.

“Unless there is documentation of implant rupture, there is no real reason to remove the capsule surrounding the implant. This can be done with great accuracy using preoperative MRI imaging. If indeed there is a rupture, complete removal of the implant and capsule is the best option.”, explains Aristocrat’s certified surgeon Dr. Kevin Tehrani, M.D., F.A.C.S.

If you have more question, or you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tehrani, please call us!

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