Q&A: Full Tummy Tuck or Mini Tummy Tuck?


“I have been to 3 surgeons for a tummy tuck consult, 2 of these docs recommend full tummy tuck. The doc I was most comfortable with says I do not need a full tummy tuck and recommends mini tummy tuck with lipo of flanks and epigastrum. I am 5″10, 150 lbs and have no stretch marks at all workout 5x a week. I have had lipo years ago. I want my stomach to be tight and flat and area below cc section scar tightened as well. I would rather have mini tummy tuck because smaller scar but want to be happy with the result. Any suggestions?”, asked a RealSelf user.

“While you may be a good candidate for a mini abdominoplasty, it’s difficult to tell with the picture you have posted. In general, a Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty (full tummy tuck) will remove all the skin below the umbilicus. This will generally give you the most dramatic and flat results. Best of luck.”, advised Aristocrat’s certified surgeon Dr. Kevin Tehrani, M.D., F.A.C.S.

If you have more questions, or you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tehrani, please call us!

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