Q&A: I Am Looking To Get Lower Blepharolasty?
“I know that my goal to have flawless not baggy eyes will not be as good as I hope but it is the direction I want to head in. So just wondering if this surgery is my best one. I am only 32 and I look tired and rundown all the time.. Lord knows makeup doesn’t help and I am tired of it! thanks in advance.”, asks a RealSelf user.
“Dear Kelly, you have premature aging and fatty herniation of your lower eyelids.”, answered Aristocrat’s certified surgeon Dr. Kevin Tehrani, M.D., F.A.C.S. “Blepharoplasty will indeed address both those in addition to transposing fat to your tear troughs. Injectables like Restylane are a temporary, long lasting but less invasive option to soften the bagginess, however, won’t address the extra skin. I also noticed that your nasolabial folds were touched up as well. This area can be injected with fillers like Juvederm, or if you are planning a surgical route, your own fat. Best of luck.”
If you have more question, or you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tehrani, please call us!