Q&A: Do I have tuberous breasts or small breasts?

Tuberous breasts  are a result of a congenital abnormality of the breasts. This breast condition can occur in one or in both breasts. The tuberous breasts occur due to a blocked breast development during puberty. What is actually causing that block is still unclear. However, there are studies that suggest a genetic link in a disorder of collagen deposition that ultimately causes the tuberous deformity.

The effects of the physical appearance caused by tuberous breasts can be very upsetting. Most common characteristics of tuberous breasts include: enlarged areola, remarkably wide space between the breasts, and very little breast tissue in the breasts.

One RealSelf user has asked Dr. Kevin Tehrani if her breasts are tuberous or just small. Unfortunately, her right breast showed the characteristics of tuberous deformity.

tuberous breasts

Do my breasts look tuberous or just small?

“I always thought they would develop one day, but now I’m in my early 20’s with little hope. I have been finding out a lot about tuberous breasts and know there is a special process in fixing them. I don’t like the idea of anything foreign like an implant being inserted into my body. I would like to know all the safest options, particularly more about fat grafting.” a RealSelf user asked.

Tuberous breast

“Thank you for your question and posting an appropriate picture. Your right breast has features of tuberous breast deformity. This can be addressed by a combination of areolar reduction and augmentation using implants. This is a procedure that requires expertise. Please have a consultation with a board-certified plastic surgeon and review many before and after photos of some of the patients with asymmetry and tuberous deformity.” Dr. Tehrani answered.

Most common treatment for tuberous breasts is breast augmentation with breast implants or fat grafting. However, the breast augmentation performed to repair the tuberous deformity is a complex procedure, demanding from the surgeon both excellent technical ability and an exceptional artistic sense.

That’s why discussing the treatment with a board-certified plastic surgeon, experienced in breast surgery is crucial.

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