Q&A: Will I Be a Good Candidate for a Tummy Tuck with Severe Painful Scar Tissue Under the Skin on Top of the Muscle on the Right?

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“Severe painful scar tissue under the skin on top of abdomen muscle can be felt if tummy is touched feels hard as a rock it is deep on the muscle and about 2 inches long on the right side under skin and fat next to c-section scar. It had developed shortly after having a c-section almost 10 years ago. I have been to several OB/GYN to talk about it all of them brushed it off and said some times that is just an outcome of having a c-section. I want to know if this will be a factor with getting a tummy tuck.”, a RealSelf user asked.

“It sounds as though you either have some scarring under you c section scar or potentially a hernia. This is especially true if a portion of your wound was open after the c section. You would need an examination by a board certified plastic surgeon. In most instances this can be addressed at the same time as an abdominoplasty.“, Aristocrat’s certified surgeon Dr. Kevin Tehrani, M.D., F.A.C.S explained.

If you have more questions, or you would like to schedule a consultation with Dr. Tehrani, please call us!

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