Start 2017 Feeling Great- Your Guide to Liposuction

Does a better body top your list of New Year’s resolutions? For many men and women diet and exercise alone aren’t enough to achieve the body of their dreams. You try, you fail, and you give up on your resolution, year after year. This time, do things differently. Come into Aristocrat Plastic Surgery and learn more about liposuction. This fat fighting procedure isn’t designed for weight loss, but it does wonders on those stubborn fat pockets in areas like the abdomen and under the chin. Make 2017 the year that all your resolutions become reality. Call today!

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a body contouring procedure that removes unwanted fat, often from isolated areas. It isn’t a weight loss treatment and works best on patients that are close to their ideal weight, but struggling with stubborn fat. Liposuction can be performed on many areas of the body including the abdomen, thighs, flanks, arms, back, chest (men), under the chin, etc. It is an excellent option for those bulges that won’t budge, even with diet and exercise.

During liposuction a small incision is made into the skin. A small cannula (or tube) is inserted. Gentle suction loosens and removes fat cells. The area is shaped and sculpted. Then the incisions are closed and the area is wrapped with bandages. After recovery you’ll enjoy lasting fat reduction in the treatment areas as fat cells do not regenerate during adulthood.

If I Get Lipo Now, When Will I See Results?

Liposuction results are instant, and continue to improve with time. Many patients see a noticeable difference in the treatment area as soon as their bandages are removed. Swelling is common and is mostly resolved within two weeks. As the swelling fades, your liposuction results will become more apparent. Start the new year with a new body.

How Long Does It Take to Recover After Liposuction?

Liposuction recovery progresses quickly. Many of our patients are surprised at how quickly they are back to normal after surgery. Pain is typically minimal. Expect some bruising and swelling, especially in the first week. You’ll need to wear a compression garment for the first 2-3 weeks. Plan on missing less than a week from work and avoiding exercise for at least two weeks.

Last year you resolved to improve your body by going to the gym, but you didn’t get the results you wanted. We’ll help you achieve resolution success this year. Ask us about liposuction.

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