Aristocrat Breast Augmentation

Breast Lift + Implants: Is This Two-Part Procedure Right for Me?

If you’ve got breast sagging, breast implants alone may not be the solution. Although implants can enhance shape and size, they do little to correct sagging. For women with moderate to severe sagging, Dr. Tehrani often recommends pairing a lift with your augmentation. Don’t worry, it’s not a separate surgery. We combine these procedures together to lift, enhance, and perfect …

woman buttoning bra

Breast Augmentation Study! Patients are eligible for $2000 subject reimbursement upon completion of study.

We are currently recruiting patients for a study on the effects of jet Hydro dissection in breast augmentation postoperative pain. The first patients to enroll in the trial will receive a $2000 stipend towards their procedure. Breast augmentation in the subpectoral position has classically been associated with postoperative pain and discomfort within the first two weeks after the operation. Minimizing …

Fashionable female portrait of cute lady in white robe indoors

Q&A: Would 360 or 380cc Round HP Implants Improve my Breasts?

“I’m 5’2 110 lbs with BWD 12.3cm left and 13cm right. I got 300cc round smooth silicone mods 12cm wide sub pec 7 months ago. I need revision surgery to fix bottom of left capsule. Considering a size increase since I need surgery anyway. My plastic surgeon suggested the new mentor ‘siltex’ silicone round HP 360cc or 380cc unders. Will …

Aristocrat Header

Q&A: What Can I Expect From 350/375cc HP Silicone Implants?

“I am 105lbs, 5’2″, have a 28in rib cage and a BWD of 11. I am looking at Mentor HP silicone implants 350/375cc’s. Do you think that the 375cc implants would look OK on my frame, and do you think that placing an implant that has a base of 12 on me when I have a BWD of 11 is …

Aristocrat Breast Fat Transfer

Q&A: Liposuction & Tummy Tuck Candidate? Do I Need to Lose Weight First?

  “I’m 28 5’7′ and weigh 167 pounds. I want to get liposuction in the mid area and a tummy tuck! am I a candidate or do I need to lose weight first? . . . I also want a Brazilian butt lift!”, a RealSelf user asked. “This is a very good question and one that’s commonly asked from patients. …

Aristocrat Breast Fat Transfer

Q&A: I Want Implants, but Concerned Professional Dancer, Will Implants Limit my Flexibility?

“I’ve been wanting to get implants forever, I have money ready and supportive friend. however my biggest fear is: I am very athletic, I’ve done gymnastics, I dance, I do flips and handstands. Maybe this sounds stupid.. but would that be “dangerous” for implants? I mean if I’m gonna pay all that money I wan’t great results of course, but …

Aristocrat Labiaplasty

Q&A: Is There a Way to Determine What You Will Look Like Before Your Actual Tummy Tuck?

“Is there a way to visually tell what your outcome will be before you have surgery? I’ve heard others say that how you look laying flat is how you will look after your tummy tuck. Is this true? If not, is there a way to tell at all?”, a RealSelf user asked. “Thank you for your question. Unfortunately at the …

Aristocrat Liposuction

Q&A: Which Lipo Procedure Removes Large Amounts of Fat from Back Rolls and Doggy Ears?

“Which Lipo Procedure Removes Large Amounts of Fat from Back Rolls and Doggy Ears?”, a RealSelf user asked. “The answer to your question depends in a history and examination or at the very least pictures. Generally, different modalities are used to address different issues. I use the Laser (SmartLipo) for skin tightening, Ultrasound (VASER) for fibrous areas or scarring and …

Aristocrat Beach

Q&A: My Rectus Diastasis is Wide and Dr. is Concerned the Stitches Won’t Hold, Should I be Concerned?

“Plastic surgeon concerned about the stitches holding it together. What are the chances of internal stitches not holding? Is there a way to triple stitch it or something to make sure it stays put? If it does not stay am I responsible for paying for this failed tummy tuck? Is there a way to reinforce it? I have a small …

Aristocrat Brazilian Butt Lift

Q&A: I Want a Brazilian Butt Lift First then a Tummy Tuck Will It Be Possible?

“I am very concern and need help. I went to a few consultations for Brazilian Butt Lift and a tummy tuck. My concern is I have a hernia above my belly button and the doctor won’t perform my TT until I have a specialist fix it, since I have had the same problem in the past. I did have 6/7 …