Webinar 11: Erasing Signs of Sun Damage

During this webinar, Louisa Agathe, LMA, is sharing her knowledge on the best sun damage treatments done at Aristocrat Plastic Surgery. She is also talking about skincare ingredients that help prevent and fight sun damage.


Advanced Brightening Complex

Amplifying C Cream

Ultra C Cream



Hi everybody. My name is Louisa Agathe. I work here at Aristocrat Plastic Surgery and I’ve been with them for 11 years now next month being 11 years. So we’re going to talk today about racing the signs of sun damage.


Next page.


So November is national healthy skin month. So your skin is the largest organ of the body. So they’re very important to take care of the we are committed to helping you achieve the healthiest skin possible, and everybody knows besides drinking water and eating a healthy diet and sleeping. Sometimes that’s not enough for everybody. So there are other things that we can do. So today we’re going to talk about that


Could the effect of summer on our skin, the summertime really, really does a lot of damage to our skin or the summer takes it. It takes a really bad toll on our skin. About 80% of our sun damage is caused by ultra violet rays and free radical damage caused by these ways. Well, so chlorine strips, natural oils from our skin and dries it out and makes us dehydrated. How, how water and how weather actually causes a lot of water loss in our skin. And it makes us dehydrated as well. And the skin, the sun also does that free, radical damage damages skin, and also helps. It leads to the sun damage. Brown spots, pigmentation. We get pulled in capillaries from them, actinic keratosis. We get, and it also gives us wrinkles and even worse skin. So we have to do whatever we can to help prevent some of the sun damage. So tonight we’re going to tell them about treatments and the ingredients. That’ll help with a lot of the sun damage.




Okay. So one of the treatments is Fraxel, so we have a few different Fraxels. So we have Fraxel Clear and Brilliant, Fraxel Restore and Fraxel Repair. Now all these Fraxels is a, it’s a which means a fractionated laser and what it does it say it’s a nonsurgical laser that makes these little columns or channels into the skin, and it helps to forces our body to build some collagen. And it helps with reducing age spots and actinic keratosis. It helps the skin make, it makes the skin smoother. Also helps with acne scarring and even melasma, which is actually one of the, one of the few things lasers does that helps with melasma. So the light, the laser goes down beneath the skin surface and it just helps to force your body to make moose.


Yeah. So here’s some before and after pictures, some frappes with treatments, of course you need a series of treatments to keep some of these before and after. But as you can see, it helps with some acne scars. The first person on the left has, has old acne scars, but it helps to smooth it out. And if you look at the woman on the right, a lot of that sun damage, and a lot of those wrinkles have smoothed out dramatically. And of course every, every one is a little bit different, so we would have to customize a treatment plan for you. Okay.




And here’s another one for before and after a Fraxel. So you could actually see the one on the woman on the left has some really bad freckles and it doesn’t take it all away, but it helps to minimize it. And the one on the right has some sun damage on our hands, which is a great treatment for, for for the pigmentation and just to help build up the college and all the hands. So as we get older that she was skin on our hands really, really thin. So they set up some pre up some of that, some are collagen.




Okay. Here’s another woman. Who’s some Fraxel. So for auto repair, so it’s a little bit more aggressive, a little stronger. So we, you know, the stronger, the more downtime you have and the less treatments you need, but like I said we would have to


We would have to do a consultation to determine, which ways it would be good for you. Okay. And how many you, need.


Okay. So the next thing is so I’m a chemical peels and there’s a whole variety of chemical peels and the chemical peels that we have what it does, it actually helps to it helps to resurface the skin. And if you can see the woman on the right, so those are before, during and after, and you can see how she, how she peels. So if you’ve never had a peel before you are going to a peel significantly as you could be with this woman here, but what it, what it’s actually good for, it helps to smooth out the skin.


The peeling starts about three, three or four days after a peel for about two, five, two to five days. Sometimes more, some people just flake, but most of the time you’ll get a nice peel. Everyone’s a good candidate. And what we do is we kind of select a peel for each patient and for the body part. So peels can be done on the face neck, [inaudible] it can be done on hands. It can be done on the body as well. But that being said, you know, we have to pick the right peel for each.




So here’s a chart that shows you what the chemical peel benefits helps with some fine lines. Some sun damage, some blackheads, if you have a large pores, clog pores, acne scarring and can you spot some pigmentation so they can help with a lot of different conditions. And we generate, we generally have really good results, but it doesn’t work for everybody. It works. Yes. But sometimes we need a little bit extra. So sometimes we need to mix it up with maybe a Fraxel. So you’re not always doing the same thing




To mention at the end of the, at the end of this presentation, we’re going to be having a Q and a. So if you have any questions, you just open up the chat box and you just write your questions and then we’ll answer them all at the end.




Okay. So here is a chemical peel before and after. So the woman, actually, these two women had the Durham a peel, it’s called the perfect Darla a peel which is one of our a peels and they can be done on the face and body and you can see how much improvement you get.




Okay. The next one is a BBL or BBL. What you very well People and on skin types, one through three and it helps to line up communication. You can take some sun damage away. We use it on the face and body as well. So some of these treatments you can do on the face and body and some of them you can,


Yes, but you have to be a lighter skin.


Here’s another before and after for a BBL. So what the BBL does, it takes the pigment under the skin and with [inaudible] will kind of get darker. So as soon as you’re done with the treatment, it looks a little darker there, but then over the course of the next few days, you’ll actually see the pigmentation really dark. And then the skin kind of dries up and then it just flakes flakes away. And it’s a great treatment for, for somebody who has a lot of spots, because you can treat a lot of pigmentation in very quickly. Even in just one session, you can see a nice improvement. It can take up to two weeks for that pigmentation to go away. There’s another one, she’s a perfect candidate. Cause you can see some of the redness, all the little broken capillaries around or nose has significantly lightened the pigmentation or the brown spots on her face. Looks, looks much, much lighter. This was after two treatments, but you’ll see a significant improvement in, in the pigmentation pigment on the skin. Brown spots really, really engages you more than more than acne scars or, or wrinkles together too. I don’t know why, that’s why I feel. The next one here is


Micro needling


With PRP microneedling with, or without PRP and PRP is just your own blood and we take your blood, we put it through a centrifuge and all the clear fluid that you’ll see, we draw that out and we topically apply the PRP as we’re doing the microneedling. And what it helps with it actually helps make the results last a little bit longer than just the PRP. I’m sorry, just the microneedling alone. But the is a pen that has a stamp of needles on the tip. And we kind of, we just go over the skin and stamp your entire face with the with little needles. We do numb you first. There actually helps us simulate some college offices because we’re causing some kind of trauma to the skin. So every time you cause up controls, your skin is going to heal. So you’ll notice that your skin will look similar, you’ll have less wrinkles. It helps a lot with acne scars.


And it just,


makes your skin a little tighter and smoother. So we also call this induction therapy. So it helps you improve your college in which all of these treatments that we’re talking about. Those they all help to improve the collagen, in your


Body. So here’s


Some micro needling before, before and after, and you can see the improvement around the, the fine lines and the texture of the skin.


Okay. So the next one


we’re talking about the E-Matrix. E-matrix is a sublet of laser. So, so there’s nothing that penetrates through the skin except for radio-frequency. So to ready frequency that helps to smooth out the skin. It helps to tighten some of that skin helps to reduce the pores. I notice actually. She one of the few things that helps with rosacea as well, and actually helps with some of the redness and broken capillaries. And you will usually do a few treatments about five treatments. We like to space them out four to six weeks apart. And there’s really no downtime. Like then the next day you have like little redness, little red squares. If we do your neck and by the time you leave the redness, most of the time on the face be gone. But the redness stays on the neck for a couple of days. But after that, you can put on your makeup, you could do anything you need to, to cover it. But it’s a nice treatment and it really doesn’t hurt that well that much.


Okay. Here’s some


Before and after for E-matrix


Helps to improve the texture of the skin. You see how you have those secondary lines on the top on the top photo, they just helps you improve the texture of the skin. And this is also one of the few things that helps you with stretch marks. So it’s a stretch marks are fairly new, and you can see that they’re being read in a stretched. It actually helps to improve the the appearance of the stretch marks. So it doesn’t make them go away. Nothing makes them go away except for cutting them out. But for this patient here, she already has a nice flat stomach, but it helps to improve the appearance of the, of the the stretch and not as noticeable. I mean, and so it’s, it’s really not that, that that the tolerate the treatment it’s actually Dr. Tehrani did it on me and you can see it. It was on Instagram when he did mine. Here we go. So now we’re going to talk about some of the ingredients that we like to use in our skincare products to help with how skin renewal. So skincare is really, really important. So you, anytime you do any kind of treatments you want to follow it up with a good home care regimen, good ingredients. And some of these ingredients help prevent or just protect our skin.




Also the first one is antioxidant. Antioxidants are important because it protects ourselves. It protects ourselves from free radical damage. And well you can find these and to their vaccines in vegetables and fruits and eading a good diet is very, it’s very important that helps lower the risks of any of these diseases, but also helps prevent some of these aging, some of our body’s aging. So damage skin cells can speed up aging and wrinkles. And this free radical damage actually destroys a lot of our skin cells. So our skin appears dry and we get dark circles under the eyes, and we have some bowl skin and we lose our elasticity. So when you touch us, when you squeeze your skin, when you don’t get that bounce back that’s when you have a lot of damage to our skin. So we want to prevent these.


So some of the products, some of the so some of the products that we have, we have here in the office that have antioxidants. So we have our Vitamin C E Ferulic. This is actually really popular products. So you actually put a couple of drops directly onto your face, and it stays on it’s, it’s, it’s a little thicker, so it doesn’t drop off and you just rub it in and it just pops feels so nice and smooth, and you can actually see an immediate shine on your skin. And it helps to is it helps with free radical damage. So see any foot with Ferulic acid now for acid in Japan they use for rule of gas, like as a sunscreen, of course, it’s not FDA approved in the United States as a sunscreen, but I was just, I thought it was an interesting thing




So, and then the next video advanced brightening complex, which looks very similar, but this is C and E, and this is the advanced brightening. This advanced brining has some vitamin a in there, I’m sorry, vitamin C in there. And what it actually does. It actually helps to, there’s some cultural gas in there. These are non aggressive ingredients that help total lighten pigmentation. And it’s a, hydroquinone free alternative when we’re, when we’re using it during the summertime. And it helps to lighten pigmentation.


So this is a really good option for a lot of people.


The next one is retinol, or a vitamin a. So we have a few options for those, for a vitamin a or retinol. We have our renewal cream which is a retinol. And then we have our retexturizing APS glow cream, which I really, really love because it has a little TCA in, in the product as well. And then one of our best sellers here is our signature cream for our signature cream. We actually mix specifically for you. It’s a customized cream that can help with a lot of different skin conditions. So if you have a little acne with some pigment, we can help mix it so that it’ll help with the apnea, as well as the pigment. If you have a lot of sun damage without acne, we can mix it. So it’s, it’s more lightening and more peeling. So we get a lot more of the, of the damage of your skin. So this is a really, really good product that we can customize for each patient.


So some of the other things that we have with the retinol, I don’t even have in front of me, all these pads and in the pads, I can mix retinol and some hydrocodone if we need. So it’s an easy part to use. You just open it up and there’s a little wipe in there and you just wipe your whole face with it. And the vitamin A’s just sits on your skin and it helps. So lighten and exfoliate without exfoliating new skin a lot. So your skin is not going to peel off like it would with this, with this cream, but you’ll get a little bit of flaking, but not as an aggressive peel. So we would customize it for you. So one of the other things that we have, that’s not going to make you peel that has a little red thing, is these nighttime counsels, which I really like because it comes in like a little package and little sack, I guess, can you open it up?


Can you squeeze it on the back of your hands? And you can dot your face with it, which I’m going to do now, please dot it, dot it here. And then you rub it all into your face. And this helps with what’s moving out the skin. It has some retinol and some peptides in here, and it has was very Verital, which is also an ingredient, the aging product and anti-oxidant as well. And when you do it that way, you’ll now have enough for your face and your neck or the face and the backs of your hands. So if you just squeeze it out and just put it all over your face, you’re not going to have enough because it’s going to be all in your fingers that way. But when you do it the way I just showed you, you have enough for two areas, which I like to alternate the back of the hands and the neck every other night.




Can we go vitamin C vitamin C Ferulic acid, which we already discussed. It helps to promote collagen and collagen production [inaudible]


So when you get that, when you squeeze your skin and you don’t get it there under your skin stays there for, for a minute, it’s a delayed reaction and you need, you need a little bit of plasticity or collagen. So vitamin C promote that. And we already talked about the vitamin C. Then we have ultra C caplets, which are very similar to the nighttime one, it’s in blue. You can see new use it the same way as the night time ones. So we just, we just spoke about the vitamin C and the peptides. So vitamin E is also a great product to put on our skin.




…can do around the more aggressive treatments in the winter time, and it is much safer to do in the winter time than it is in the summer time. So a lot of these aggressive treatments, this is the perfect time of year to do it. And then you have to follow up even though it’s the one time with your sunscreen. So now we have, we want to talk about our black Friday special. So basically it’s, you, you can save 20% on anything that you decide to get. So if you, if you call in and you pay, let’s say $400 that you want to bank for any of the treatments that we talked about today, or anything else that you want then nonsurgical you would get. So if you pay $400, you get a hundred dollars in your accounts. So a little bit, hi everybody. Thanks for us. Yes. As Louisa


Said, we are having right now, very good offer. It’s our black Friday and cyber Monday special. You can stock up and save on our prepaid gift cards for someone you love, which you put yourself first, it’s offered as well until Monday. So you and you basically can save 20% off all our med spa services. So right now it’s time to move to our questions. We’ve got several questions now. Okay. Yep. Can I, and let me read them, so how long does it take to recover? I assume after you have to recover so far, we’re talking about a frog, so it really depends. So the clear, brilliant, right? Maybe a day or so, you’ll be a little bit run. If you’re going to do the Fraxel restore I would say two, two to three days, you’ll be [inaudible] for two days. Definitely. And you’ll see more around the eyes.


And some of the more aggressive treatments so that we have some more aggressive treatments. If you really, really want to get a lot of sun damage off, we have something called a front. So we pair, which started trying to do, we also have something called a Jade plasma. So it’s a more aggressive it’s a gas that we we use on your face and it takes all the top lays in infinity. Just, it takes a lot of aging off all at once. And those treatments, of course, it’s going to be more downtime, but [inaudible] would be the people who will be doing those treatments on, on you. Another question is, does sun exposure affects skin elasticity? The sun exposure affects skin elasticity absolutely does time because it kind of, you inclined to I’ll lose the plasticity. Aging will lose less dust and just aging itself is going to is going to hand hands.


So as we get older, we don’t produce as much collagen, which means you’ll have less elasticity. So in order to help that we want to we want to do things that will help produce some collagen. So things like Fraxel, Microneedling, even some of the injectables that we offer also promotes some collagen stimulation. Somebody asked, I have stretch marks and pigmentation, which treatment should I get stretch marks and pigmentation. It really depends on your skin color to begin with. So if you’re a lighter skin color like Luba and I we can do some Fraxel. We can do some of the we could do some the E Matrix. Definitely. If you’re a little bit on the darker side, we would add some of those pads that we were talking about with the retinae, with a little hydroquinone and what that does, it helps to prevent pigmentation, but it also helps lifts meditation and stimulate. That’s how we knew. So so it really depends on what area we’re working on and your skin type. Originally.


There was another question how long is a downtime for a chemical peel? So


The chemical peel is also really varies by patient, but normally between two and five days of downtime, if you do a more aggressive peel. Yeah. The, the PO the downtime could be a little bit longer. It could be maybe seven to 10 days, but most of the time it’s two to five days of peeling


Is an in-person consultation necessary to determine what might be the right treatment for someone.


Sometimes I can do zoom or face time cause some procedures really depends on what we’re working on and your skin type. But most of the time I can even just do, you can send me a picture or we can do a FaceTime, so no, it’s not always necessary for a person to come to come in. What should I do for my B what should you do for a PIH or a PIH for those who don’t know is post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. So what that means is that you get some Brown spots yeah. Through yeah. Through a trauma to the skin. So that could be a couple of things. So a lot of times I can mix this cream that I was, that I was showing before. This particular cream that I mixed, it’s a customized cream, and that will eliminate some of that. Also some Fraxel con can definitely help well clear and brilliant will definitely help. Or sometimes it’s those pads. Now those pads are the same thing as this, but not as strong for if we’re doing it on the body. So the areas of the body, the PIH, the, the pads work much better. And there’s a few different pairs that we have, or we would customize it for


Super thank you.


Get recent wins. Perfect. Thank, thank you everybody. Thank you so much for joining us today. It was thank you very much for coming. If you have any questions you can always call me. Well, you can email me. My, my email is [email protected], where you could just call the office and ask for me. Thank you so much. Bye bye. Happy Thanksgiving. Happy Thanksgiving.



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