Webinar: Post-Op Care During Quarantine

Dr. Tehrani shares at-home strategies and tips to get you back to your best self during your post-operative recovery.


Speaker 1:
All right guys, good afternoon. Hopefully everyone is doing well, being at home during these tough times. I know we’re going to talk about some plastic surgical things, but I’m glad that that people are logged on. We’ll be able to talk about issues that were all having a social, social distancing thing with your family doing these tough times at the same time. You were going to need their help to be able to get through these tough times. And I want to make the recovery processes easily and as issue free as possible for patients to be able to practice this social distancing. So I’m going to go through some slides and make some recommendations as well as show some things that I want you guys to do during this time with with our COBIT.

Speaker 1:
So a postop care during the quarantine. We’re all a close up inside, so we’re going to talk about different things that we’re going to do. We organize this so we can talk about different body areas and different procedures that I commonly perform. And there was quite a few patients that are post op, some a little further out as early as a few weeks ago. Some that are closer to the the immediate postoperative period. And we’re obviously always available to talk about these things. But in general what I wanted to talk about is talking about face, neck lift, eyelid lift, those surgery breast procedures, whether or not as a breast augmentation, breast reduction, a lift or a fat transfer to the breast. Tell me talk abdominal plastic, these arm lifts or body lifts procedures as well as commonly perform liposuction, skin tightening and BBL type procedures, which we’ll categorize that way.

Speaker 1:
Some will apply to most or all of you and some are very specific to those procedures. And I will touch upon those as we go through this Mmm issue and and Jacqueline is on. So if you have any questions, you can text them in and be able to take a look at them and be able to answer it at the very end. People are muted right now. We can unmute you or have you asked some questions and after answer those questions at the at the very end for you.

Speaker 1:
Yeah. Okay. So in general everybody’s gotten their postop instructions, we’re always available so we can answer them for you. 24, seven, if there’s anything that’s emergent, but in general you have the postop instructions, but we’re going to review it together. I don’t want anyone into a have any overexertion and exercise immediately postoperatively. And that’s within two to three weeks, sometimes even four weeks, depending on the procedure that you had done. When you over-exercise and you over exert yourself, not only your body’s not healing, but when your heart rate it goes above a certain level actually increases the chance of bleeding and increases swelling and increases the other issues that you may have after surgery.

Speaker 1:
Avoid overexertion has to be discussed. I want you to eat healthy, focused on proteins that are lean fruits and vegetables and low carbs is always a good thing, especially after body contouring procedures. Bodies needs a lot of protein to heal and recover. And if you’re not taking that intake, your body’s not going to recover as quickly as we want it to. Hydration is very key. Drink a lot of water. You cannot overdo this. And sometimes there is swelling after the procedure and some patients think some if they’re drinking a lot, that swelling is because of the drinking and it is not. So all that swelling is because of third spacing, which actually means that your body’s is not bringing all that information in.

Speaker 1:
Okay. sun exposure is key. We’re not getting a lot of sun exposure is not to mean outside, so it’s probably not as much of an issue. But if you’re going to go outside, especially if it’s a facial procedure, I don’t want your scars to be exposed to the sun. And of course wearing a hat and sunscreen is very important. The support system is essential. Immediately postop, it’ll be, it’s mandatory. But afterwards somebody who’s helpful in in basically reviewing these things and making sure that you are doing the proper things in terms of healing is very helpful to have after surgery. So let’s talk about facing necklace. So the first week you’ll have a lot of swelling, bruising. You may see a little tired and groggy initially because anesthesia, I do want you to be wearing the face and especially if we did the neck lift or the lower facelift after the first week or so you’ll slow down to wearing the garment only at night.

Speaker 1:
I do want incisions to have passive tracing on them throughout the incisions. Most of the sutures that I use are absorbable, so you’ll be able to apply best rates normally on the incisions and get those to heal really well. Gentle massaging of your neck and face is recommended within the first week after surgery. And a lot of times we do this in the office, but obviously that is not happening and we’ll talk about how that can be done at home instead. You should be off pain medications in the days before COBIT action. We’ll have patients go into and said, we’re not doing insets right now temporarily until after. This is a disaster is behind us. So what we’re going to do is Tylenol only if necessary. I want patients to come off of their narcotic pain medications as quickly as possible within the first week after surgery.

Speaker 1:
Numbness and tingling and tightness is very common after first two to three weeks. And those nerve endings grow one millimeter per day slowly after surgery. By the, by the first month after surgery, incisions are almost healed and lymphatic massage is recommended and we’re going to do some suture remnant removals for that. We would have to see you in person. So those are the visits that we’ll actually do on a Telemark tele-health and be able to remove those sutures for you. You start seeing the facial contours by first reach first second month, six to eight weeks, you’re back to normal activities. Most of the major swelling is gone. Lymphatic massage is critical. The first two months after surgery and minor tightness persists that will improve over time and begin to see the final results and contours at best three months. So some of those care tips for a facelift and neck lift patients are showering and bathing after the first visit only. I don’t want those decisions to get wet initially. Massage neck massage is done through the neck in this area and I’m actually going on to see and want to make sure that everybody’s seeing my face as well as my screen.

Speaker 1:
Cause it looks like, what are you seeing Jackie? Are you on? Can you see my face as well? Yes I can. I can see your face. I just wanted to make sure everybody could see that. Cause I don’t see it on my, my screen. So for patients that are facelift patient, I actually want them to do the facial renewal cream massage of their face. The face is recovering and needs a lot of college and building. And if you’re having inhouse lymphatic massage, we’ll be doing that for you. But since you’re not going to do the facial renewal cream to do the massage, the most important thing about the massage is the direction that it’s being done. It needs to go towards the lymph nodes, which is away from the incisions. So the most of the decisions are behind the ear. So the, the, the pull or the force is going to be up and out and up into the neck area.

Speaker 1:
So in this fashion and in this fashion, if you did the back 10 to 15 minutes of massage at least once every other day, that would be phenomenal. I don’t want you to overdo it either. When we do lymphatic massage, it’s typically about 45 minutes to an hour twice a week. So I’m trying to fill that amount of time in, within a daily routine and where every other day routine to be able to get some of the swelling to go down better. The incision sites are going to get either a combination of bats or tracing until the wounds are healing. So that’s over the counter. I don’t want patients to use a triple antibiotic or Neosporin. Basad. Treyson is the best thing over the counter and it’s not one of those ordered items and it’s very readily available. And then we eventually go to buy a cornea, which is a scarf cream that we use on most of our incisions. We’ll talk about that as well. Sleeping with your head elevated at at all times after three weeks of exercise at the three, do some light exercises and off of narcotics as soon as possible. If you haven’t get fever of one Oh 1.5 or higher bleeding pain that’s not relieved by pain medications. You need the breathing of course. Inability to urinate after surgery. Rupture, sutures or abnormal discharge from the incision sites. You want to know we’re available 24, seven.

Speaker 1:
I lit surgery, so a lot of facelift issues are done at the same time as an eyelid surgery. So very commonly that I do face the fine Island surgery at the same time. So we’re going to talk about eyelids a little separately because patients that don’t have eyelid have facelifts at the same time as eyelids are gonna be dealt with a bit differently and we’ll talk about that. So, swelling and bruising the first week, feeling tartar and groggy the first couple of days after anesthesia, very normal. You should not need pain medications after really the first couple of days after surgery. Incisions who heal really well on eyelids. Biggest issue with either, especially lower eyelids is swelling. So the swelling will be I lived, would be a bit irritated within the first two to three weeks until four weeks after surgery.

Speaker 1:
Most important thing you do with eyelid is actually decreasing the amount of time that you want to screens. So screen time when we’re looking at the Chamara or or looking at a TV computer, our blink rate goes down and when you blink, rate goes down, you’re not seeing you’re not hydrating your eyes as well as you’d like to. So I’d like patients to minimize that to 15 minutes max per hour. And that’s critical. The first few weeks after surgery, after about six to eight weeks, you start to see the results. You can resume exercise and three months is the final result you think with eyelids as it’s with face, a third three head elevation, showering, bathing. After 48 hours I dropped or given to all patients prescription eye drops. I want you to do one to two drops every four hours, both eyes.

Speaker 1:
Even if we did only one side, we need to put it in both eyes, massaging the lower eyelids with help and that is in the direction of the lower eyelid crease. So in this direction is what you, he wanted to do some massage. You could use a regular serum that you use for your lower eyelids as long as your fingers are clean certainly and on help that otherwise we could use our APS signature eye cream to help with that lubrication in that area. Contacts and glasses the first week after surgery, zero contacts, glasses, I prefer you wearing glasses instead of contacts. The first two weeks after surgery and a bruising and swelling will subside. And there’s a specific Bassett tracing appointment that’s made for eyelids and that’s been prescribed to you. You could use that on the incision itself. [inaudible] Prolonged use of battery tracing will actually make your eyelids more reps. So after things are healed, I want you to go to the syrup instead of ambassador tracing. She will have more than one 1.5 has always lost the vision or blurry vision. I want to know about quickly significant bleeding and if, if there was any ruptured opening of the incisions that are not healed, I want to know about those things.

Speaker 1:
Now we’re going to move on to breasts. We’re going to talk about breast augmentation with implants in general. The first week, a couple of days depending on whether or not we’re over or under. The muscle could be shorter or longer. Some swelling, bruising, feeling tired and groggy. I do want patients to be wearing the compression bra until the first postop visit. You’re not going to touch that until we ask him to take it down. For the first two weeks after, once the dressing is not the incision itself, which is typically in the fold, in the belly button or around the areola, gets antibiotic ointment, Bassett tracing twice a day, gentle massage of the implants. So it’s not massaging the breasts and massaging of the implant and only and only if you have a smooth round implant. And that’s the majority of patients at this point in time.

Speaker 1:
So the idea there is that you’re not moving your breast tissue, you’re moving the implant. So the best way of doing that is actually pressing them in towards the cleavage and most likely down. And you’ll be given exact instructions, Ashley, which way will be I want you to do that. So we’re going to push the implants down. The incisions will be healed in the first three to four weeks. I will ask you to stop making wearing the compression bra or the garment and or stress at that point in time. The implants will start finalizing and being fluffed out the first three to six weeks after surgery. And then you can resume not earlier than the three weeks. I actually had one patient that had bleeding at three weeks before three weeks. I don’t want anybody exercising. Was that implants inside?

Speaker 1:
And you can wear regular bra or not wearing a bra after a six day weeks by three months you’ll have your final results. We’ll take some pictures at that point in time, either in person or virtually. We’ll see how that works out. So massage, both implants, smooth implants, massage as well as I talked about. No showering, bathing after the first postop visit until the fourth group visit. The garment and or strap will be adjusted based on whether or not the implants were riding high or are they coming down? Well, a Bassett tracing only for the first one at most, two weeks until the wound is healed. Once the wound is healed, then we’re going to do scar therapy, scar therapy. And we’re going to talk about the scar therapy multiple times throwing throughout the procedure throughout this talk by your cornea is our first option for most stars at, on the body, not on the face.

Speaker 1:
And if patients have hypertrophic or P Lloyd formation or early on, we actually do our advanced try practice scar treatment and that’s something that we’ll have to induce individualized to each patient. So we’ll take a look at those, some arm exercises and light exercises after three weeks, that’s fine. Elevated speak to sleeping is the most important the first week after surgery to help with the swelling going down. It’s certainly not going to lay on your breasts immediately after surgery, but the first week to 10 days having an extra pillow behind your back will help and no narcotics after the first week after surgery. Please do call us if you have a fever. More than one on 1.5 bleeding, inability to urinate incisions aren’t closed after three weeks. I want to know about it or if there are any sutures that are protruding.

Speaker 1:
If the breast is still high after six weeks, we’re starting to get hard. I want to know about it because that may be worried about the capsular contracture. And of course all breast patients are taking singular, which helps with capsular contracture and that’s already been prescribed for you. I need to take that for two months straight. So if it’s, if it’s the first month after your second month is on a refill, if you have a imagery after six weeks, I want to know about it. And if there’s any abnormal discharge from the incisions on, I know that breast reduction lifts whether or not it’s with implants is a little bit of a different issue. Swelling. Bruising will be a little bit longer after surgery. Most patients will not need entomology and lymphatic massage from breast surgery alone. But for some breast reductions, especially if we had to do some light on the side, would need to do that as well.

Speaker 1:
That’s the first two to three weeks after surgery. Incisions will be healed by the first four weeks, in which case we’ll talk about the scar therapy, which I’ll get to on the next slide. After the after that by six to eight weeks, your breasts are finally taken into shape and the natural results that you’re going to have and the final results been three months. So specific things about breast lift and reductions is showering and bathing only after the first postop visit and then it can be daily after that. So massaging, if you need lymphatic massage, which we cannot do in person, we, we, it’s an advanced moving body butter that we use for abdominal plasty. These four for liposuction that can be used for breast, especially if you have stretch marks or you had stretch marks before you want to do this to provide additional softening in that area so you don’t get new stretch marks and that’s an important thing for reductions and or lifts garments, you’re going to continue wearing.

Speaker 1:
Oh, this is the advanced body butter which we’ll get to later on as well. Scar therapy by corneum or try Pratt. This is important. A lot of patients that I do either vertical periarteriolar or wise pattern scars, there is an Oliva spar forms. Then that’s critical. We don’t have it in the office, but it’s available on Amazon. Again, one of those things that’s not being ordered. So you should be able to get that readily. I don’t want you to put that on until after the Bassett trace is finished. So put Bassett tracing on once the seal one, we’re going to do scar therapy, which is either with bipolar [inaudible] or we try prac, you put the spark cream on and then you put this, we’ll leave a scar forms, which is basically silicone sheeting. That’s a physical thing on your breast and it’s reusable.

Speaker 1:
So you take a shower, you take this off, you put your scar cream on and put it in, put it back on again. And I want to use that for about a month, sometimes even two months. Some light exercises after three weeks is okay. Fever, I want to know about difficulty breathing, urination, ruptures, stitches. I want to know about. And if there are any abnormal discharge from a from incision size, I want to know about those. So fat transfer to the breast can be done at the same time as implants can be done at the same time as a breast lift or other body contouring procedures. So what’s significant about fat grafting is similar to BBL, where want to basically get the area not to move. So I don’t want you to move that area at all. So there’s no massaging. I want you to wear the garment for a total of four weeks after the second four weeks you could go to 12 hours a day.

Speaker 1:
But the key thing that’s different about fat grafting is the fact that I want you to be basically sedentary and not move the area massaging with advanced moving body butter, we’re going to call it that ASB going forward is good that that first month. So would that same idea that typically I need to do liposuction to get that area. So as you’re doing the, the body massage, I want you to address the breast as well with the same body butter for hydration as well as avoiding stretch marks is not the breast that a little bit bigger number it was before. Mmm. One specific thing about the fat grafting to the breast is if you have significant asymmetry or hardness after six weeks, those could be fat necrosis or areas of fact cysts that are need to know that. And now we’ll need to take a look at you if those are there to be able to address those for you. Rare, less than five to 10% of the time, but if they’re there, I’m going to know about it.

Speaker 1:
Next is abdominoplasty or tummy tucks. A very common thing I do is special kind called the lateral tension, abdominal plasty, swelling, bruising, feeling tarred and broadness will be a bit longer with this procedure for the first week to two weeks that you are not going to be very mobile. It’s very important to be keep the garment on for the first month, 12 hours a day applied [inaudible] after your incision dressing is come off and the service strips are off. Gentle massage and entomology will happen down the line, but initially while the drains aren’t I want you to be mobile and and be nimble to address those scars. The incisions at the bat, four weeks to be fully healed. We could talk about doing the scar therapy at that point. The garments would need to stay on for the entirety of first month.

Speaker 1:
Second month would be 12 hours a day. Drains should be gone raise. I would have to see you. And stripping the drains is critical. I’m going to talk about stripping drains. You have an attachment through your body. You’re going to hold the drink close to your body and you’re going to strip away from the drain towards the ball. So that drain stripping is critical for patients that still have them most have been removed. There are a few patients that still have them. I’m going to go through those and hopefully have them move sooner than later. A swelling rule, a subside after the first few months, two months, scar therapy. We’re going to continue. I’m going to talk about some lymphatic massage, which is critical, but tell me final results. Three months. So bathing after the first postop visit you can do one day a shower after the first post opposite lymphatic massage with advanced moving body butter.

Speaker 1:
Any area that the blank section and the lower abdominal area, the garment you’re gonna wear for the first month, 23 hours a day, second month, 12 hours a day and the incisions get back to tracing at least once a day, twice a day by a cornea or tripe prac. If we need to go there based on the way the scars are healing, we’ll talk about that drain care. We talked about the drain. If you still have it, I’m going to drain it 20 once every 24 hours. So basically I want to know how much is in there in each 24 hours and once it reaches less than 30 CCS in that 24 hours, it’s ready to come out. We’re going to take that out for you. Elevated and flex sleeping. So, but if domino plastics do, you’re not going to able to lay flat as flat as you want.

Speaker 1:
So immediately after surgery. So I want you to be more of a beach chair type position after surgery. And eventually you’ll be able to stand straight. After a month we could do some white exercise. Pre covert pain management would have been the Advil. But right now we can do Tylenol to get patients off narcotics as soon as possible. [inaudible] One and 1.5 and he bleeding abdominal plane, difficulty breathing. So this is difficulty breathing on a related to COBIT of course, and I keep mentioning this, there may be other issues like blood clots in the legs which are more paramount than patients that have had it. Tommy talk then the difficult breathing that you may actually get after Kobe. Either way I want to know about it, so you need to call me if you have difficulty reading and of course we’ll address both conditions and the ability to urinate any institutions that are not healing after three weeks.

Speaker 1:
If you feel if you hear and or feel a pop, I want to know about that and that’s been permanent sutures that are on the inside of the abdomen or what you’re going to have an issue with. If it pops in that I’m going to know about right away. And if there’s an abnormal discharge from the incision site, I want to know about that. So brachioplasty arm lift, body lift is a category, which a lot of times it’s combined with your tummy tuck or liposuction. So some specific things. Overall swelling, bruising and pain subside. After about a week to 10 days, patients that have had a medial thigh lift or lower body lift, I mean leave the catheter inside for the first week so you don’t have to go to the bathroom to urinate. That will remove in person. Of course those patients need to be seen.

Speaker 1:
Incisions should be healed by the first four weeks. If they’re open still, we need to address them with antibiotic ointment. Typically with Silvadene, which is a prescription grade antibiotic ointment, if they’ve been open more than four weeks the score starts to blend after six weeks to eight weeks. Final results, three months. Some specific things for a lower body lift up and or arm lift patients is same. Lymphatic massage is very important in lack of emphatic massage, advance with the body butter and personal per lymphatic massage garment where 23 hours a day, first month, 12 hours with the second month whose guard that everybody gets before surgery, Chad actually be extended further out if we need to and the swelling is continuing as tracing until the wounds are healed and then by corneum and try prac until the scars are healing very well. Drain care as we discussed light exercise after month if the wounds are closed, if the wounds are open, I don’t want any exercising and pain management right now with Tylenol fever, more than one on 1.5, I worry about getting an infection, bleeding, difficulty breathing, any incidents that are not closed after four weeks, sutures or abnormal discharge decision sites.

Speaker 1:
Then we’re going to talk about liposuction and skin tightening, which is very commonly done with some of the other procedures or in and of itself. So the first week after surgery, you will have to have that a compression garment stays on. A lot of times we have padding underneath it and that padding needs to stay on it until we talk. Until the first postop visit. The compression garment needs to stay on within the first two to three weeks. Typically you go from the second first stage to the second stage and then we start about doing some to that. And lymphatic massage and entomology incisions would be healed by the thirst three weeks to four weeks. You can stop wearing the compression garment 23, seven at the four week Mark, then you go 12 hours a day. You pretty much not sore at all.

Speaker 1:
Any swelling and soreness would be gone by six weeks, two two months, final results, three months. So the final results also happens not because of swelling, but because you will have the collagen deposition, you will have the timing that will maximize that first three months after either we’ve done J plasma body tight or laser. And your in the areas of concern, the postop care is again, no bathing or showering for the first week after typically four to five days. On three first postop massage with advanced within body butter. Garmin where first stage to second stage happens at the one month point. This is another thing from Amazon that’s very helpful for abdominal patients. So it’s this thing called a light pole app board that if you Google it, it looks like a, a almost like a little butterfly that you could put under your second stage garment and even sometimes even under a first stage government and that provides some additional support in the lower part of the abdomen, especially when sitting or laying down to get that area to heal really well incision healing [inaudible] afterwards exercise after three weeks, not keeping the liposuction.

Speaker 1:
If you exercise too soon, your body swells that, that’s your body telling you, Hey, slow it down or stop doing this thing right now so we can wait until that stuff’s happening. And then slowly go back to exercise. Fever. I want to know about inability to urinate, any issues with closing or irregularities after three to six weeks, I’m going to know about those again. Bbls at the same time as a liposuction. The key thing with BBL is a lot of the areas have to do with liposuction and has to do with elsewhere, specifically when it comes to the bump. So your bum, I don’t want you to sit on it, I don’t want you to, unless you have the our special Woody pillow and I want you to sit on it. And certainly you’re not going to lay on it if it so that’s the first two weeks after that I want you to minimize it, but you actually can’t stick money back after the the second week.

Speaker 1:
So same things would, liposuction will go into the incisions we’ll close with the lymphatic massage is critical about this. I’m going down the garment size. When we need two months starts getting loose, we’re going to, we need to do that for patients with BBLs as well as liposuction can resume exercise at about six weeks to a month after surgery. Three months would be the final results with BPLs. So the first stage garment for BBL patients is the one that has the zippers on it is the first month. We can actually get you to go to the second stage a little bit sooner. But the first month you’d be wearing either first stage or second stage all the time, 23 hours a day. Second month you’d definitely be into your second stage. And actually your second stage may be getting looser, which case we’re going to get.

Speaker 1:
You’re actually a smaller size and during that time you’re going to be able to go down a size. The new second stage, Carmen massage with your body is going to get a massage but advance moving body butter for the bomb. We actually have our magic booty cream and that is actually for patients that VDL to be able to get the area to heal better and provide some more volume in that area and you don’t get any stretch clumps. It also helps with some of the settling in this area, which is part of the reason why you had to be on the first place. So that’s a specific thing for BBL patients. Bruising and swelling should be gone in the first few weeks after surgery. Incisions, same thing. Best racing on total teal by Connie [inaudible]. After sitting we talked about sleeping, we spoke about light activity, very critical with liposuction patients.

Speaker 1:
I don’t want you to stay in bed all day. You will get fat and he actually increased swelling if his name at all day. So not that you should do jumping jacks right off the bat, but get up, go to the bathroom, move around a light exercises, even embedding your legs around are very, very helpful. And only Tylenol after the first week either. I want to know about significant bleeding. I want to know about any abdominal pain that’s severe. I want to know about sutures that may open up, want to know, but when he discharged, I want to know about buses. Now I’d like to open things and I’m going to if you have any questions you could raise your hand. I’m going to ask you some general questions that we have already and in our chat so we’d be able to address those questions for you on exactly the questions please.

Speaker 2:
So we have a couple of people really asking about massages pertaining to liposuction. I know you mentioned it a lot and you mentioned using the body butter, but because they can’t get their lymphatic massages in our office, can you explain some general techniques that they could be doing at home, whether it’s their partner or themselves? How hard should they be? Do they feel like they have some lumps? What should, how should they address those?

Speaker 1:
So first thing that I mentioned is finding, we’ll start, people do lymphatic massage courses and the lymphatic massage therapist because it takes a very long time for them to become really good at what they do. But in general, the idea of lymphatic massage is not just to massage the area, but it’s to remove swelling in the area to the point where your body is actually opening up in small, tiny channels. So lymphatic channels go towards lymph nodes. I mentioned the face, which is this area here of going towards the lift dose, the neck area, and going towards that for the arms. The lymphatic channels are in the axilla. So you’re going to base the move to things fall into that area. And slow and steady is, is the key thing is, is trying to do it very gently and not overdoing it. Like I said, even if you did 10 minutes a day, that’s actually a lot.

Speaker 1:
Cause your body needs to regenerate that during that time for abdomen, I’m going to start so I can show you on myself. The point is where it has little fatty channels. So you actually want to push things towards the groin. So slowly you’re going to move things down and towards the groin. And that’s, that’s the area for the, for the abdomen, for thighs, it’s actually the opposite. You actually are gonna pull up towards the morning. So you’re gonna actually go that way with the with the thighs, with the flanks. Same way you can actually press it towards the center and to the point and the precedent towards the back. And towards the butter for the planning massage of the, of the bumper. BBL patients actually don’t want you to push it anywhere you just of ran the ball. And same thing with the breast is just a slight massage around. It’s not going towards the lymphatic channel because in those areas we we’re trying to preserve, not necessarily remove drainage. Hopefully that was helpful. Yeah. Great.

Speaker 2:
Another question is that a patient just had surgery but they want to know now, are they more prone to Covid 19,

Speaker 1:
The surgery? A very good question. In general, when you have had surgery, relatively speaking, your body is at a suppressed immune state. So yes. So social distancing critical you don’t want to go out immediately after surgery. Part of our postoperative regimen used to include actual immune boost with our vitamin immune groups that we did for patients that needed that extra boost. We’re doing that for only selective patients now that really need it. Same thing with Patrick massage. Somebody is extremely swollen and to the point where I would have to eat, give him medication to make the swelling go down. We actually have on emergency or lymphatic massage therapist coming in and helping those select few patients to to have that dog. So unless it’s an urgency, I want patients to be able to do what we discussed at home until it cannot be handled, in which case we need to do it in the office.

Speaker 3:
Okay, great.

Speaker 2:
And some questions regarding breasts surgeries. So one of her son asks, when can you go out in the sun after breast augmentation?

Speaker 1:
So as long as your incisions do not leave it on for two months after surgery. It’s okay. So the actual cleavage, everything else can see the sun. The incision cannot see the sun for two months. So yeah, from a sunscreen on it, even with bathing suits, some bathing suits are too thin and they allow UVA, which is the main problem through the bathing suits. So it needs to be a fit bathing suit, but either way underneath it you have to use a sunscreen of SPF 35 or higher.

Speaker 3:
Okay. And then

Speaker 2:
One of the last questions we have here is I’m about two months out from my breast augmentation and I’m still experiencing slight pain on one side. Is this normal?

Speaker 1:
Yes. Slight pain is very normal after surgery if after month, as long as there is symmetry between both breasts, that’s normal. If you start to get height and there is asymmetry, you may be getting capsular contracture and that I need to know about that and be able to please call a sort of set up a FaceTime or a the telehealth for me to take a look at it to see that’s what’s going on. But in general as the capsule starts forming, which is the first two to three months after surgery, some nerve endings can be excited and you may have some pain. And also the other thing that can happen, especially on days where it’s cloudy outside, when the barometric pressure on the outside is low, you may have more pain and that’s usually cloudy days cause it affects you implant on the pocket little differently than the rest of your body. So initially in the first postop, a few months after surgery, that may be what’s going on.

Speaker 3:

Speaker 2:
And then just some questions I see that people are asking in the chat really, where can they purchase some of the creams that we discussed. So at the end of this, we can send everyone who joined an email with links to all of our products and we will get those mailed out to you or you can purchase them on Amazon.

Speaker 1:
All right. Thank you Jackie. I hope everyone stay safe. Try to do as much as possible at home. We’re here for emergencies, urgencies, don’t hesitate to call. And we’ll make ourselves available. I hope to be back in the office and seeing patients sooner than later. But until then, we’re available and we’re going to do some more of these webinars maybe once a week. Thank you.

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